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Student Projects in Western Women's History

As part of their program requirements, post-secondary students often complete innovative, inspiring, and valuable projects in western Canadian women's and gender history. The Alberta Women's Memory Project is pleased to showcase such work on our website.

New projects will be added on an ongoing basis. If you wish to submit a project for consideration, please review our submission guidelines, below.

Recent Student Work in Western Canadian Women's and Gender History

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us.

Submission Guidelines

The AWMP invites postsecondary instructors to submit student projects for consideration for posting on this webpage. All submissions will be reviewed by the AWMP Board. To be eligible for consideration, the project must have been written as part of a postsecondary university or college program. All submissions must include: (1) electronic copy of student project; (2) letter from instructor detailing the course name and number, as well as university name, for which the project was completed; (3) full name and address of instructor and student; and (4) date of project completion. Also, if the project includes information obtained from human subjects, a detailed letter describing how this material was obtained must be provided. Submissions should be sent to

Student & Academic Services for The Alberta Women's Memory Project - Last Updated July 11, 2024

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