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Memoir Collection

Ardis Daphne [Stewart] Kamra

I was born in Edmonton on May 25, 1930, just as the Great Depression began to sweep across Canada.  When I was two my family moved to the little town of Camrose which at the time contained fewer than 2000 people.  From the age of six I read extensively, often getting in trouble in school for reading the book on my lap rather than paying attention to the teacher.  The open prairies with their occasional clumps of trees plus our summer holidays camping in the mountain parks sensitized me to the beauty and rhythm of nature and inspired the poetry written in my teens.  In my senior year of High School I worked for the Camrose Canadian, writing both the social column and a weekly book review column.

My husband and I met at the University of Alberta.  He was a student from India, the only Indian student on campus.  We soon discovered that our falling in love was difficult for many to accept.   After graduation and earning a Bachelor of Library Science at the University of Toronto I began my library career and some of my happiest work life took place in the Strathcona Children’s library.  When my own children, David and Kerri, were small I returned to the U. of A. and earned a Master’s degree in Education followed by Doctorate from the University of Washington. I then joined the Curriculum Branch of Alberta Education as a learning resources specialist.  Being a member of an intercultural family plus concern for my children’s social welfare led to my volunteer participation in a number of organizations devoted to multicultural education and valuing of diversity.  Frequent trips to visit family in India and travel to other parts of the world as well as the opportunity to do my Doctoral research in Jamaican schools led to a greater understanding of the richness of ethnic diversity.

After I retired in 1988 I spent a number of years auditing textbooks, manuscripts and other learning materials for tolerance, respect and understanding. Genealogical research has become another compelling interest.

Student & Academic Services for The Alberta Women's Memory Project - Last Updated July 11, 2024

Arid Kamra
