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List of Publications

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Organization and Content: This list is organized alphabetically and is current up to December 2011. It contains mostly "peer-reviewed" publications (publications that have been reviewed and approved by experts in the field) that have appeared in North American magazines, journals, and books.

If you are looking for other kinds of records, such as those held in archives or museums, please visit Our Collections and Collections Available Elsewhere.

This bibliography was compiled by Dr. Allan Rowe, Professor of Humanities at Keyano College. All inquiries may be sent to

Theoretical Works:

Barman, Jean. "Writing Women into the History of the North American Wests, One Woman at a Time." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus: 99-127. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008.

Creese, Gillian, and Veronica Strong-Boag. "Taking Gender into Account in British Columbia." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 9-27.

Leger-Anderson, Ann. "Canadian Prairie Women's History: An Uncertain Enterprise." Journal of the West 37, 1 (January 1998): 47-59.

Leger-Anderson, Ann. "Saskatchewan Women, 1880-1920: A Field for Study." In The New Provinces: Alberta and Saskatchewan, eds. Howard Palmer and Donald Smith. Vancouver: Tantalus Research, 1980.

Marie, Gillian. "Writing Women into British Columbia's History." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 1-18. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980.

Millions, Erin. "Breaking the Mould: A Historiographical Review of Saskatchewan's Women's History, 1880-1930." Saskatchewan History 54, 2 (2002): 31-48.

Moffatt, Aileen C. "Great Women, Separate Spheres, and Diversity: Comments on Saskatchewan Women's Historiography." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 10-26. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995.

Perry, Adele. "Feminism, History and Writing British Columbia's Past." Atlantis 25, 1 (2001): 69-74.

Publications in the History of Women and Gender in Western Canada:

Adams, Evelina. "Diary of a Nurse." Manitoba History 14 (September 1987): 23-29. [autobiography; nursing; health care; education]

Adilman, Tamara. "Evlyn Farris and the University Women's Club." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 147-66. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [immigration; ethnicity; race and racism; employment; oral history]

Adilman, Tamara. "A Preliminary Sketch of Chinese Women and Work in British Columbia, 1858-1950." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 53-78. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [social conditions; Chinese; immigration and ethnicity; oral history; employment; race and racism]

Ahenakew, Freda, and H.C. Wolfart, translators and editors. Our Grandmothers' Lives As Told in Their Own Words. Regina: Canada Plains Research Center, 1998. [Cree; oral history; First Nations]

Ahenakew, Freda and H.C. Wolfart, editors. They Knew Both Sides of Medicine: Cree Tales of Curing and Cursing. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2000. [Cree; oral history; First Nations]

Ajzenstadt, Mimi. "Cycles of Control: Alcohol Regulation and the Construction of Gender Role, British Columbia, 1870-1925." International Journal of Canadian Studies 11 (1995): 101-20. [social reform; prohibition; moral regulation; social conditions; government policy]

Anderson, Joan M. "Migration and Health: Perspectives on Immigrant Women." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 267-89. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [immigration; health and wellness; Indo-Canadian; Greek; employment; oral history]

Anderson-Leger, Anne. “Women of Saskatchewan –Historical Overview.”

Anderson, Robin John. "Domestic Service: The YWCA and Women's Employment Agencies in Vancouver, 1898-1915." Histoire Sociale/Social History 25, 50 (1992): 307-33. [British Columbia; work; employment; Young Women's Christian Association]

Andrews, D. Lorraine. "Calgary Business and Professional Women's Club." Alberta History 45,1 (1997): 20-25. [entrepreneurship; clubs and societies]

Andrews, Margaret. "St. Luke's Home, Vancouver, 1888-1936: A Transitional Hospital." Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 24, 2 (1982): 90-98. [nursing; health care; health and wellness; British Columbia; religion]

Androsoff, Ashleigh. "A Larger Frame: ‘Redressing' the Image of Doukhobor-Canadian Women in the Twentieth Century." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 18, 1 (2007): 81-105. [cultural perceptions; journalism; immigration and ethnicity; Sons of Freedom]

Armour, Margaret-Ann. "WISEST: An Initiative at the University of Alberta to Encourage Women in the Sciences and Engineering." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 145-53. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [higher education; Edmonton; science and technology]

Atkinson, Maureen L. "The ‘Accomplished' Odille Quintal Morison: Tsimshian Cultural Intermediary of Metlakatla, British Columbia." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 135-56. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [biography; missionaries; First Nations; ethnography]

Ayukawa, Michiko Midge. "Good Wives and Wise Mothers: Japanese Picture Brides in Early Twentieth-Century British Columbia," BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 103-18. [immigration; marriage; oral history]

Ayukawa, Michiko Midge. "Japanese Pioneer Women: Fighting Racism and Rearing the Next Generation." In Sisters or Strangers? Immigrant, Ethnic and Racialized Women in Canadian History, eds. Franca Iacovetta, Marlene Epp and Frances Swyripa: 233-47. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. [immigration and ethnicity; race and racism; Japanese; British Columbia; education; picture brides]

Bacchi, Carol. "Divided Allegiances: The Response of Farm and Labour Women to Suffrage." In A Not Unreasonable Claim: Women and Reform in Canada, 1880s – 1920s, ed. Linda Kealey: 89-108. Toronto: The Women's Press, 1979. [political activism; rural; working class; social reform; Women's Party]

Bacchi, Carol Lee. Liberation deferred?: The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists, 1877-1918. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983.

Backhouse, Constance. "White Female Help and Chinese-Canadian Employers: Race, Class, Gender and Law in the Case of Lee Clun , 1924." Canadian Ethnic Studies 26, 3 (1994): 34-53. [race and racism; employment; Regina; Saskatchewan; Chinese]

Backhouse, Constance. "The White Women's Labor Laws: Anti-Chinese Racism in Early Twentieth-Century Canada." Law and History Review 14, 2 (1996): 315-68. [race and racism; Chinese; immigration and ethnicity; Saskatchewan; legal rights]

Bailey, Mary C. "Reminiscences of a Pioneer." Alberta History 15,4 (Autumn 1967): 17-25.

Baker, Marilyn. "The Later Years: Women Instructors at the Winnipeg School of Art in the 1940s." Atlantis 30, 2 (2006): 50-62. [higher education; Manitoba; World War Two; biography; teaching]

Banks, Cara. "Saskatchewan Working Women and Labour Movement Strategies." Prairie Forum 31, 2 (Fall 2006): 357-75. [working class; organized labour; employment; political activism; strikes and lockouts]

Bannerman, Josie, Kathy Chopik, and Ann Zurbrigg. "Cheap at Half the Price: The History of the Fight for Equal Pay in BC." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 297-313. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [organized labour; legal rights; employment; minimum wage]

Barber, Marilyn. "The Gentlewomen of Queen Mary's Coronation Hostel." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 141-58. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [immigration; imperialism; British Columbia; Vancouver; employment]

Barber, Marilyn. "Help for Farm Homes: the Campaign to End Housework Drudgery in Rural Saskatchewan in the 1920s." Scienta Canadensis: Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 9, 1 (1985): 3-26. [domestic economy; work; household technology; domestic service; social conditions]

Barber, Marilyn. "The Motor Caravan Mission: Anglican Women Workers on the Canadian Frontier in the New Era." In Changing Roles of Women within the Christian Church in Canada, eds. Elizabeth Gillan Muir and Marilyn Färdig Whitely: 219-37. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. [First Nations; missionaries; religious education]

Barber, Marilyn. "The Servant Problem in Manitoba, 1896-1930." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 100-19. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1987. [domestic service, employment, urban, Winnipeg; Mennonite]

Barman, Jean. "Aboriginal Women on the Streets of Victoria: Rethinking Transgressive Sexuality during the Colonial Encounter." In Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past, eds. Katie Pickles and Myra Rutherdale: 205-27. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. [sexuality; urban; social control; prostitution]

Barman, Jean. "Birds of Passage or Early Professionals? Teachers in Late Nineteenth-Century British Columbia." Historical Studies in Education 2, 1 (1990): 17-36. [education; employment; feminization]

Barman, Jean. Constance Lindsay Skinner: Writing on the Frontier. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. [biography; historiography; British Columbia]

Barman, Jean. "Invisible Women: Aboriginal Mothers and Mixed-Race Daughters in Rural Pioneer British Columbia." In Beyond the City Limits: Rural History in British Columbia, ed. Ruth Sandwell: 159-79. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999. [First Nations; settlement; colonialism; marriage; sexuality]

Barman, Jean. "‘I walk my own track in life & no mere male can bump me off it': Constance Lindsay Skinner and the Work of History." In Creating Historical Memory: English-Canadian Women and the Work of History, eds. Beverly Boutilier and Alison Prentice: 129-63. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997. [biography; historiography; frontier; British Columbia]

Barman, Jean. "Separate and Unequal: Indian and White Girls at All Hallows School, 1884-1920." In Children, Teachers, and Schools in the History of British Columbia, eds. J. Barman, N. Sutherland, and J.D. Wilson: 337-57. Calgary: Detselig, 1995. [First Nations; missionaries; colonialism; education; government policy]

Barman, Jean. Sojourning Sisters: The Lives and Letters of Jessie and Annie McQueen. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2003. [biography; life histories; British Columbia; rural; social conditions]

Barman, Jean. "Sophie Morigeau: Free Trader, Free Woman." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 175-95. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [biography; borderlands; fur trade]

Barman, Jean. "Taming Aboriginal Sexuality: Gender, Power and Race in British Columbia, 1850-1900." BC Studies 115/116 (Autumn/Winter 1997/98): 237-66. [First Nations; race and racism; colonialism; marriage]

Barman, Jean. "‘Vancouver's First Playwright': Constance Lindsay Skinner and The Birthright." BC Studies 137 (Spring 2003): 47-62. [theatre; artists; arts; culture; British Columbia]

Barman, Jean, and Jan Hare. "Good Intentions Gone Awry: From Protection to Confinement in Emma Crosby's Home for Aboriginal Girls." In With Good Intentions: Euro-Canadian and Aboriginal Relations in Colonial Canada, eds. Celia Haig-Brown and David A. Nock: 179-89. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006. [missionaries; biography; First Nations; colonialism; Tsimshian]

Barman, Jean, and Jan Hare. Good Intentions Gone Awry: Emma Crosby and the Methodist Mission on the Northwest Coast. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006. [missionaries; biography; First Nations; colonialism; Tsimshian]

Barman, Jean, and Bruce Watson. "Fort Colville's Fur Trade Families and the Dynamics of Aboriginal Racial Intermixture in the Pacific Northwest." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 90, 3 (Summer 1999): 140-53. [Hudson's Bay Company; marriage; First Nations; social conditions; borderlands]

Barnes, Annie B. "Doukhobor Women in the Twentieth Century." In Spirit Wrestlers' Voices: Honouring Doukhobors on the Centenary of their Migration to Canada in 1899, ed. Koozma J. Tarasoff: 13-39. Ottawa: Legas, 1998. [immigration and ethnicity; rural; homesteading; work; life histories]

Baskerville, Peter. "‘She Has Already Hinted at Board': Enterprising Urban Women in British Columbia, 1863-1896." Histoire Sociale/Social History 26, 52 (1993): 205-227. [work; legal rights; Victoria; social class; entrepreneurship; businesswomen]

Baskerville, Peter. A Silent Revolution? Gender and Wealth in English Canada, 1860-1930. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2008 [Victoria; British Columbia; employment; entrepreneurship; social conditions]

Bassendowski, Sandra. "The Valley Echo: Two Decades of Prose, Poetry, and Cartoons Related to the Role and Image of Saskatchewan Nurses, 1923-1943." Saskatchewan History 59, 2 (2007): 34-42. [nursing; health care; journalism]

Bassendowski, Sandra. "‘Their Knowledge is Deplorable…': Tuberculosis and the Nursing Profession in Saskatchewan, 1920s – 1940s." Saskatchewan History 60, 2 (2008): 30-39. [health and wellness; health care; nursing; Great Depression; hospitals]

Bassendowski, Sandra. "The Power of Electricity to Change Rural Women's Work in Post-War Saskatchewan." Saskatchewan History 57,2 (Fall 2005): 29-34. [social conditions; rural; World War Two; farm life; work]

Beahen, William. "Abortion and Infanticide in Western Canada, 1874 to 1916: A Criminal Case Study." Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies 53 (1986): 53-70. [reproductive rights; criminal justice; legal rights; health and wellness]

Bedford, Judy. "Prostitution in Calgary, 1905-1914." Alberta History 29, 2 (1981): 1-11. [Alberta; sex workers; criminal justice; prostitution]

Beecher, Maureen Ursenbach. "Mormon Women in Southern Alberta: The Pioneer Years." In The Mormon Presence in Alberta, eds. Brigham Y. Card, John Foster, et. al.: 211-230. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1990. [immigration and ethnicity; religion; culture; rural; settlement]

Bennett, Paul and Cornelius j. Jaenen. "The Canadian Women's Movement, 1880-1920s: A Struggle for Political Rights or Social Reform?" In Emerging Identities: Selected Problems and Interpretations in Canadian History. Ontario: Prentice-Hall Canada inc., 1986: 376-405.

Benoit, Cecilia, and Dena Carroll. "Aboriginal Midwifery in British Columbia: A Narrative Untold." In A Persistent Spirit: Towards Understanding Aboriginal Health in British Columbia, ed. Peter H. Stephenson: 223-48. Victoria: Canadian Western Geographic Services, University of Victoria, 1995. [midwifery; childbirth; First Nations; health and wellness' health care]

Bernard, Elaine. "Last Back: Folklore and the Telephone Operators in the 1919 Vancouver General Strike." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 279-86. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [organized labour; strikes and lockouts; oral history; employment]

Berry, Susan. "Recovered Identities: Four Metis Artists in Nineteenth-Century Rupert's Land." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 20-59. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [biography; cultural production; art and artists; First Nations]

Beynon-Thomas, Lillian. “Some Manitoba Women Who Did Things First.” The Manitoba Historical Society Transactions series 3, no. 4 (1947-48):

Billsen, Janet Mancini and Marth Stapleton. "Accidental Motherhood: Reproductive Control and Access to Opportunity Among Women in Canada." Women's Studies International Forum 17, 4 (1994): 357-72. [Vancouver; Chinese; birth control; reproductive rights]

Bird, Kym. "Performing Politics: Propaganda, Parody and a Women Parliament." Theatre Research in Canada 13:1-2 (Spring and Fall 1992): 168-93. [Political activism; women's suffrage; feminism; Alberta; Manitoba; British Columbia]

Birtles, William. "A Pioneer Nurse." Alberta History 43,1 (January 1995): 2-6. [nursing; health care; hospitals; biography]

Bishop, Mary F. "The Early Birth Controllers of B.C." BC Studies 61 (Spring 1984): 64-84. [British Columbia; birth control; Co-operative Commonwealth federation; health and wellness; Telford, J. Lyle; Dowding, Vivian]

Bishop, Mary F. "Vivian Dowding: Birth Control Activist." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 327-35. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [British Columbia; legal rights; health and wellness; sexuality]

Black, Errol. "25¢ an Hour; 48 Hours a Week; more Toilets; Less Cats: The Labour Struggles of the ‘Girls' at the A.E. McKenzie Company in Brandon." Prairie Forum 17, 1 (Spring 1992): 33-60. [Manitoba; organized labour; strikes and lockouts; employment; working class]

Blackman, Margaret B. "The Changing Status of Haida Women: An Ethnohistorical and Life History Approach." In The World is as Sharp as a Knife: An Anthology in Honour of Wilson Duff, ed. Donald B. Abbott: 65-77. Victoria: British Columbia Provincial Museum, 1981. [First Nations; life histories; British Columbia; social conditions; colonialism; culture]

Blackman, Margaret B. During My Time: Florence Edenshaw Davidson, a Haida Woman. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1982. [biography; First Nations; British Columbia; arts and culture]

Bliss, Jacqueline. "Seamless Lives: Pioneer Women of Saskatoon, 1883-1903." Saskatchewan History 43, 3 (1991): 84-100.

Block, Tina. "‘Boy Meets Girl': Constructing Heterosexuality in Two Victoria Churches, 1945-1960." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 10,1 (1999): 279-96. [religion; sexuality; oral history; marriage; British Columbia]

Block, Tina. "‘Families that Pray Together, Stay Together': Religion, Gender, and Family in Postwar Victoria, British Columbia." BC Studies 145 (Spring 2005): 31-54. [Protestant; family history; domesticity]

Blythe, Jennifer, and Peggy Martin McGuire. "The Changing Employment of Cree Women in Moosonee and Moose Factory." In Women of the First Nations: Power, Wisdom and Strength, eds. Christine Miller and Patricia Chuchryk: 131-50. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1996. [work; social conditions; fur trade]

Bonin, Marie. "The Grey Nuns and the Red River Settlement." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 12-14. [missionaries; Métis; biography]

Boschma, Geertje. Faculty of Nursing on the Move: Nursing at the University of Calgary, 1969-2004. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [nursing; health care, higher education; work; universities and colleges]

Boutilier, Beverly. "Nursing Nation Builders: The ‘Council Idea,' Western Women, and the Founding of the Victorian Order of Nurses for Canada, 1896-1900." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 174-99. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [societies and clubs; political activism; nursing; Council of Women]

Bowerbank, Sylvia, and Dolores Nawages Wawia. "Literature and Criticism by Native and Métis Women in Canada." Feminist Studies 20, 3 (Fall 1994): 565-81. [oral tradition; First Nations; aboriginal; transcription; folklore; literature]

Boyd, Helen and T.A. Crawley. "Growing Up Privileged in Edmonton." Alberta History 30,1 (January 1982): 1-10. [narratives; life history]

Bramadat, Ina J., and Marion I. Saydak. "Nursing on the Canadian Prairies, 1900-1930: Effects of Immigration." Nursing History Review 1, 1 (1993): 105-17. [health and wellness; health care; work; immigration and ethnicity]

Braun, Jan. "From Policy to the Personal: One Queer Mennonite's Journey." Journal of Mennonite Studies 26 (2008): 69-80. [biography; lesbian; Mennonite; ethnicity and immigration; Saskatchewan]

Bray, Cathy. "Hilda's Diary: Reflections on Family, Impairment, and ‘Disability' in Saskatchewan in the 1930s and 1940s." Saskatchewan History 62,1 (Spring 2010): 8-39. [health and wellness; diaries; immigration and ethnicity; clubs and societies]

Bright, David. "‘Go Home, Straighten Up, Live Decent Lives': Female Vagrancy and Social Respectability in Alberta, 1918-1993." Prairie Forum 28, 2 (Fall 2003): 161-72. [legal rights; criminal justice; social control]

Brockman, Joan, and Dorothy E. Chunn. "‘Imagine That! A Lady Going to an Office!": Janet Kathleen Gilley." In People and Place: Historical Influences on Legal Culture, eds. Constance Backhouse and Jonathan Swainger: 153-69. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2003. [biography; lawyers; British Columbia; social conditions]

Brockman, Joan. "Exclusionary Tactics: The History of Women and Visible Minorities in the Legal Profession in British Columbia." In Essays in the History of Canadian Law. Vol. VI: British Columbia and the Yukon, eds. Hamar Foster and John McLaren: 19-61. Toronto: Osgoode Society, 1995. [employment; legal rights; professional women]

Brockman, Joan, and Dorothy E. Chunn. "‘A New Order of Things': Women's Entry into the Legal Profession in British Columbia." Advocate 60, 3 (2002): 385-95. [employment; legal rights; professional women; criminal justice]

Brown, Alison K., with Christina Massan and Alison Grant. "Christina Massan's Beadwork and the Recovery of a Fur Trade Family History." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 80-111. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [families; marriage; life history; material history; cultural production]

Brown, Helen. "Gender and Space: Constructing the Public School Teaching Staff in Nanaimo, 1891-1914." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 59-79. [British Columbia; Vancouver Island; education; employment]

Brown, Jennifer S.H. "A Cree Nurse in a Cradle of Methodism: Little Mary and the Egerton R. Young Family at Norway House and Berens River." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 19-40. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [religion; missionaries; First Nations; Manitoba]

Brown, Jennifer S.H. "Frances Nickawa: ‘A Gifted Interpreter of the Poetry of Her Race.'" In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 263-85. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [biography; Cree; First Nations; cultural perceptions; arts and culture]

Brown, Jennifer S.H. "Partial Truths: A Closer Look at Fur Trade Marriages." In From Rupert's Land to Canada: Essays in Honour of John E. Foster, eds. Theodore Binnema, Gerhard Ens and R.C. Macleod: 59-80. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2001. [Hudson's Bay Company; Northwest Company; marriage; fur trade; Ojibwa]

Brown, Jennifer S.H. Strangers in Blood: Fur Trade Company Family in Indian Country. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1980. [marriage; social conditions; First Nations; Métis; Hudson's Bay Company; Northwest Company]

Brown, Jennifer S.H. "Woman as Centre and Symbol in the Emergence of Métis Communities." Canadian Journal of Native Studies 3, 1 (1983): 39-46. [fur trade, family history, matriorganization, social conditions, ethnogenesis]

Brown, Rosemary. "The Exploitation of the Oil and Gas Frontier: Its Impact on Lubicon Lake Cree Women." In Women of the First Nations: Power, Wisdom, and Strength, eds. Christine Miller and Patricia Chuchryk: 151-66. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1996. [Alberta; social conditions; oil and gas; work]

Brumbach, Hetty Jo, and Robert Jarvenpa. "Woman the Hunter: Ethnoarchaeological Lessons from Chipewyan Life-Cycle Dynamics." In In the Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women's History in Canada, eds. Mary-Ellen Kelm and Lorna Townsend: 200-15. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. [social conditions; economic roles; First Nations; Chipewyan]

Bruneau, William A. "Music and Marginality: Jean Coulthard and the University of British Columbia, 1947-1973." In Challenging Professionals: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Women's Professional Work, eds. Elizabeth Smyth, Sandra Acker, Paula Bourne and Alison Prentice: 96-116. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. [arts and culture; Vancouver; biography; higher education]

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. "Life History as a Window to Understanding the Politics of Teaching and Schooling – Manitoba Teacher Sybil Shack (1911-2004)." Manitoba History 59, 3 (2008): 13-24. [education; biography; political activism]

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. "Lifting the Veil: The Founding of the Missionary Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Mary Immaculate in Manitoba." Historical Studies in Education 9, 1 (1997): 1-20. [Roman Catholicism; education; teaching; immigration and ethnicity; francophone]

Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. The Missionary Oblate Sisters: Vision and Mission. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2005. [education; francophone; Roman Catholicism; Manitoba]

Bryans, Joan. "How to Survive in the West, Young Woman." In Canadian Migration Patterns from Britain and North America, ed. Barbara J. Messamore: 145-60. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2004. [British Columbia; life history; family history; settlement]

Bryant, Carole Y. "To the Fair-Mindedness of Men Female Suffrage in Saskatchewan." Order No. ML47744, The University of Regina (Canada), 1988.

Buck, Ruth Matheson. "Documents of Western History: The Journal of Eleanor Shepphird Matheson, 1920." Saskatchewan History 22,2 (October 1969): 109-117. [letters and diaries; narratives; missionaries]

Buck, Ruth Matheson. "Documents of Western History: The Journal of Eleanor Shepphird Matheson, 1920." Saskatchewan History 22,3 (October 1969): 109-117. [letters and diaries; narratives; missionaries]

Buddle, Melanie. The Business of Women: Marriage, Family and Entrepreneurship in British Columbia, 1880-1930. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010. [employment; social conditions; social class]

Buddle, Melanie. "‘You Have to Think Like a Man and Act Like a Lady': Businesswomen in British Columbia, 1920-1980." BC Studies 151 (Autumn 2006): 69-95. [entrepreneurship; employment]

Budnick, Carol. "The Performing Arts as a Field of Endeavour for Winnipeg Women, 1870-1930." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 15-21. [arts and culture; theatre; Manitoba]

Buffie. E. “Fighting Days”. Manitoba History 8 (Autumn 1984):

Bumsted, Sian. "Lady Selkirk and the Fur Trade." Manitoba History 38 (Autumn 1999/Winter 2000): 35-39. [fur trade; Hudson's Bay Company; Red River Settlement; biography]

Burk, A.L. "Private Grief, Public Spaces." Political Geography 22,3 (2003): 317-33. [violence against women; commemoration; Vancouver; British Columbia]

Burnett, Kristin. "Aboriginal and White Women in the Publications of John Maclean, Egerton Ryerson Young, and John McDougall." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 101-22. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [colonialism; missionaries; cultural perceptions; First Nations]

Burnett, Kristin. "Building the System: Churches, Missionary Organizations, the Federal State, and Health Care in Southern Alberta Treaty 7 Communities, 1890-1930." Journal of Canadian Studies 41, 3 (2007): 18-41. [health and wellness; missionaries; First Nations; Blackfoot; government policy]

Burnett, Kristin. "The Healing Work of Aboriginal Women in Indigenous and Newcomer Communities." In Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History, eds. Jayne Elliott, Meryn Stuart and Cynthia Toman: 40-52. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008. [First Nations; health care; midwifery; missionaries]

Burnett, Kristin. "Obscured Obstetrics: Indigenous Midwives in Western Canada." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 157-71. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [First Nations; midwifery; childbirth; health and wellness; settlement]

Burnett, Kristin. Taking Medicine: Women's Healing Work and Colonial Contact in Southern Alberta, 1880-1930. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010. [aboriginal; health and wellness; health care; midwifery; nursing]

Burrows, Paul. "‘Apostle of Anarchy': Emma Goldman's First Visit to Winnipeg in 1907." Manitoba History 57 (February 2008): 2-15. [biography; political activism; anarchism]

Burrows, Paul. "‘Apostle of Anarchy': Emma Goldman's First Visit to Winnipeg in 1907." Manitoba History 57 (February 2008): 2-15.  

Burton, Betty. “Nellie McClung.” Manitoba Pageant 20, no. 4 (Summer 1975):

Burton, Sarah. “The Person Behind the Persons Case.” The Beaver 85, 5 (2004): 14-19

Bye, Christine Georgina. "‘I Like to Hoe My Own Row': A Saskatchewan Farm Woman's Notions About Work and Womanhood During the Great Depression." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 26, 3 (2005): 135-67. [rural; farm work; social conditions; life histories]

Bye, Christine Georgina. "‘I Think So Much of Edward': Family, Favouritism and Gender on a Prairie Farm in the 1930s." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 205-37. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [life histories; rural; Great Depression; social conditions; work]

Calam, John. "Teaching the Teachers: Establishment and Early Years of the B.C. Provincial Normal Schools." BC Studies 61 (Spring 1984): 30-63. [education; employment; British Columbia]

Campbell, Allison. “Review: Barbara Roberts, A Reconstructed World: A Feminist Biography of Gertrude Richardson.” Manitoba History 25 (Spring/Summer 1998):

Campbell, Marie. "Sexism in British Columbia Trade Unions, 1900-1920." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 167-86. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [organized labour; World War One; employment; minimum wage]

Campbell, Robert A. "Ladies and Escorts: Gender Segregation and Public Policy in British Columbia Beer Parlours, 1925-1945." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 119-38. [sexuality; alcohol; prohibition; social control; prostitution]

Carlson, Nathan D. "Searching for Catherine Auger: The Forgotten Wife of the Wîhtikôw (Windigo)." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 225-44. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [Alberta; Athabasca District; myth and ritual; cultural perceptions; First Nations; Cree].

Carter, Connie, and Eileen Daoust, "From Home to House: Women in the B.C. Legislature." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 389-405. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [women in politics; political activism; biography]

Carter, Sarah. "Britishness, ‘Foreignness,' Women and Land in Western Canada, 1890s – 1920s." Humanities Research: The Journal of the Humanities Research Centre and the Centre for Cross-Cultural Research at the Australian National University 13, 1 (2006): 43-60. [immigration; race and racism; Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; rural]

Carter, Sarah. Capturing Women: The Manipulation of Cultural Imagery in Canada's Prairie West. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997. [race and racism; North-West Rebellion; First Nations; cultural perceptions; captivity narratives; Cree]

Carter, Sarah. "Categories and Terrains of Exclusion: Constructing the ‘Indian Woman' in the Early Settlement Era in Western Canada." Great Plains Quarterly 13, 3 (1993): 147-61. [race and racism; settlement; colonialism; marriage; violence against women; government policy]

Carter, Sarah."‘ Complicated and Clouded': The Federal Administration of Marriage and Divorce Among the First Nations of Western Canada, 1887-1906." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Pat Roome and Char Smith: 151-78. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [government policy; legal rights; cultural perceptions; colonialism; Indian Act]

Carter, Sarah. 'The Cordial Advocate': Amelia McLean Paget and The People of the Plains." In With Good Intentions: EuroCanadian and Aboriginal Relations in Colonial Canada, eds. David C. Nock and Celia Haig-Brown: 199-228. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006. [biography; cultural perceptions; First Nations; writers]

Carter, Sarah. "Creating ‘Semi-Widows' and ‘Supernumerary Wives': Prohibiting Polygamy in Prairie Canada's Aboriginal Communities to 1900." In Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past, eds.. M. Rutherdale and K. Pickles: 131-59. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2005. [marriage; First Nations; social control; missionaries]

Carter, Sarah. Imperial Plots: Women, Land and the Spadework of British Colonialism on the Canadian Prairies. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2016

Carter, Sarah. "The Exploitation and Narration of the Captivity of Theresa Delaney and Theresa Gowanlock, 1885." In Making Western Canada, eds. Jeremy Mouat and Catherine Cavanaugh: 31-61. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1996. [captivity narratives; race and racism; North-West Rebellion; Cree; cultural perceptions; First Nations]

Carter, Sarah. "First Nations Women and Colonization on the Canadian Prairies, 1870s – 1920s." In Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History (Fourth Edition), eds. Veronica Strong-Boag, et. al.: 135-48. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2002. [First Nations; colonialism; settlement; race and racism]

Carter, Sarah. "First Nations Women of Prairie Canada in the Early Reserve Years, the 1870s to the 1920s: A Preliminary Inquiry." In Women of the First Nations: Power, Wisdom and Strength, eds. Christine Miller et. al.: 51-75. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1996. [historiography; social conditions; oral histories; domestic economy; culture]

Carter, Sarah. "‘Hordes of Men of Alien Race' or ‘Daughters of British Blood?' The Homesteads-for-Women Campaign in Western Canada. Great Plains Quarterly 29, 4 (Fall 2009): 267-86. [political activism, homestead rights, ethnicity, immigration]

Carter, Sarah. The Importance of Being Monogamous: Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada to 1915. Edmonton: Athabasca University and University of Alberta Press, 2008. [social conditions; sexuality; First Nations; Mormon; government policy; moral regulation]

Carter, Sarah. "The Montana Memories of Emma Minesinger: Windows on the Family, Work, and Boundary Culture of a Borderlands Woman." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 197-224. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [biography]

Carter, Sarah. "Transnational Perspectives on the History of Great Plains Women: Gender, Race, Nations and the Forty-Ninth Parallel." The American Review of Canadian Studies 33, 4 (Winter 2003): 565-96. [borderlands; colonialism; First Nations; life histories; social conditions]

Cavanaugh, Catherine. "Irene Marryat Parlby: An ‘Imperial Daughter' in the Canadian West, 1896-1934." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 100-22. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [immigration; imperialism; nationalism; identity' women in politics; social reform]

Cavanaugh, Catherine. "The Limitations of the Pioneering Partnership: The Alberta Campaign for Homestead Dower, 1909-1925." Canadian Historical Review 74, 2 (June 1993): 198-225. [rural; political activism; homesteading; property; legal rights]

Cavanaugh, Catherine. "‘No Place for a Woman': Engendering Western Canadian Settlement." Western Historical Quarterly 28, 4 (Winter 1997): 493-518. [colonialism; cultural perceptions; legal rights; feminism; political activism; social conditions; property rights]

Cavanaugh, Catherine A. and Randi R. Warne, eds. Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993

Cavanaugh, Catherine A. and Randi R. Warne, eds. Telling Tales Essays in Western Women’s History. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2000

Chalmers, John W. "Who Was Alberta's First Teacher?" Alberta History 43,4 (October 1995): 13-15. [education; teaching; missionaries]

Chalus, Elaine H. "From Friedan to Feminism: Gender and Change at the University of Alberta, 1960-1970." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 119-144. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [higher education; feminism; anti-feminism; journalism; social conditions; domesticity; Wauneita Society]

Chambers, Lori. "Unprincipled Exclusions: Feminist Theory, Transgender Jurisprudence, and Kimberly Nixon." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 19, 2 (2007): 305-34. [criminal justice; legal rights; violence against women; Vancouver; sexual identity]

Chapman, Terry L. "Rape in Alberta: An Overview." Canadian Woman Studies 3, 2 (1981): 85-87. [violence against women; rape; criminal justice; social conditions]

Chapman, Terry L. "Sex Crimes in the West, 1890-1920." Alberta History 35 (Autumn 1987): 6-18. [prostitution; legal rights; social control; sexuality; criminal justice; moral regulation]

Chapman, Terry L. "‘Till Death do us Part': Wife Beating in Alberta, 1905-1920." Alberta History 36 (Autumn 1988): 13-22. [violence against women; criminal justice]

Chapman, Terry L. "Women, Sex and Marriage in Western Canada, 1890-1920." Alberta History 33, 4 (1985): 1-12. [sexuality; legal rights; social conditions; abortion]

Chown, Diana. "An Early Edmonton Club Woman at Work: Lauretta Hughes Kneil." Alberta History 54,2 (April 2006): 2-6. [clubs and societies; biography; Catholic Women's League; social reform]

Chu, Sandra Ka Hon. "Reparation as Narrative Resistance : Displacing Orientalism and Recoding Harm for Chinese Women of the Exclusion Era." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 18,2 (2006): 387-437. [race and racism; immigration and ethnicity; Chinese exclusion; redress; British Columbia]

Chuchla, Claire. "My Mother and Crow's Nest Mountain." Alberta History 56,3 (Summer 2008): 14-20. [immigration and ethnicity; working class; narratives]

Chunn, Dorothy E. "A Little Sex Can Be a Dangerous Thing: Regulating Sexuality, Venereal Disease and Reproduction in British Columbia, 1919-1945." In Challenging the Public/Private Divide: Feminism, Law and Public Policy, ed. Susan B. Boyd: 60-86. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997. [government policy; moral regulation; social conditions; eugenics]

Clark, Penney. "‘A Nice Little Wife To Make Things Pleasant': Portrayals of Women in Canadian History Textbooks Approved in British Columbia." McGill Journal of Education 40, 2 (2005): 241-65. [education; cultural perceptions; collective memory]

Clarke, Harold D. and Allan Kornberg. "Moving Up the Political Escalator: Women Party Officials in the United States and Canada." Journal of Politics 41, 2 (1979): 442-77. [Winnipeg; Vancouver; women in politics]

Clarkson, Chris. "Property Law and Family Regulation in Pacific British North America, 1862-1873." Histoire Sociale/Social History 30, 60 (1997): 386-416. [colonialism; property rights; legal rights; government policy; British Columbia]

Cleverdon, Catherine. "The Woman’s Suffrage Movement in Canada." Order No. 0172964, Columbia University. 1950

Cleverdon, Catherine. “The Prairie Provinces: Democracy’s Grass Roots.” In The Women Suffrage Movement in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1950: 46-83

Clifford, Marie. Drawing on women : Representations of Women and Suffrage Imagery in The Masses, 1913-1917.n.p.: 1991.

Cole, Catherine C., and Ann Milovic. "Education, Community Service, and Social Life: The Alberta Women's Institutes and Rural Families, 1909-1945." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 19-31. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [societies and clubs; rural communities; social conditions; nursing; hospitals]

Cole, Douglas. "The Invented Indian/The Imagined Emily." BC Studies 125/126 (Spring/Summer 2000): 147-62. [art; artists; literature; culture; British Columbia; Carr, Emily; First Nations]

Coombes, Pamella M. A Woman's Touch: 100 Years of Rebekah Lodges in Alberta. Edmonton: Priority Printing Ltd., 2010

Cooper, Carol. "Native Women of the Northern Pacific Coast: An Historical Perspective, 1830-1900." Journal of Canadian Studies 27, 4 (1992-93): 44-75. [First Nations; British Columbia; northwest coast; social conditions; economic roles; colonialism; fur trade; missionaries]

Corbet, Elise A. "Woman's Canadian Club of Calgary." Alberta History 25,3 (July 1977): 29-36. [clubs and societies]

Corman, June. "Returning to the Classroom: Married Women Fill the Void for Teachers in Saskatchewan." Atlantis 27, 1 (2002): 81-90. [education; employment; World War Two; oral history]

Cotcher, Maryanne. "A National Organization in a Prairie City: The Regina Voice of Women, 1961-1963." Saskatchewan History 56, 1 (2004): 21-29. [cold war; anti-war movement; political activism; Saskatchewan]

Coulter, Rebecca Priegert. "Between School and Marriage: A Case Study Approach to Young Women's Work in Early Twentieth-Century Canada." History of Education Review 18, 2 (1989): 21-31. [Edmonton; Alberta; employment; social conditions; economic roles]

Cramer, Michael H. "Public and Political: Documents of the Women's Suffrage Campaign in British Columbia, 1871-1917: The View from Victoria." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 79-100. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [feminism; political activism; Women's Christian Temperance Union; clubs and societies]

Creese, Gillian. "The Politics of Dependence: Women, Work and Unemployment in the Vancouver Labour Movement Before World War II." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 364-90. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [organized labour; social conditions; social class; strikes and lockouts; Great Depression]

Creese, Gillian. "Power and Pay: The Union and Equal Pay at B.C. Electric/Hydro." Labour/Le Travailleur 32 (1993): 226-46. [pay equity; organized labour; employment; British Columbia; discrimination]

Creese, Gillian. "Sexual Equality and the Minimum Wage in British Columbia." Journal of Canadian Studies 26, 4 (1991): 120-40. [work; organized labour; employment; pay equity; discrimination]

Creet, M. Julia. "A Test of Visibility: Lesbian Visibility in the British Columbia Federation of Women." In Lesbians in Canada, ed. Sharon Dale Stone: 183-197. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1990. [political organization; feminism; political activism]

Cresce, Greg Di. "‘Essentially a Women's Work': Reform, Empire and The Winnipeg Children's Hospital, 1909-1925." Manitoba History 66 (Spring 2011): 23-30. [immigration and ethnicity; health care; feminism; nursing]

Crippen, Carolyn. "Three Manitoba Pioneer Women: A Legacy of Servant-Leadership." Manitoba History 53 (October 2006): 11-21. [biography; life histories; nursing; political activism; education]

Crossley, Diane. "The B.C. Liberal Party and Women's Reforms, 1916-1928." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 229-53. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [political activism; suffrage; women in politics; legislation]

Crowley, Terry. "Agnes Macphail and Canadian Working Women." Labour/Le Travail 28 (Fall 1991):129-48. [women in politics; feminism; social reform; working class]

Crowson, Belinda. "Ethnic Diversity in Lethbridge's Red Light District, 1880s to 1944." Alberta History 57, 4 (2009): [moral regulation; ethnicity; race and racism; prostitution; criminal justice]

Culhane, Dara. "Domesticated Time and Restricted Space: University and Community Women in Downtown Eastside Vancouver." BC Studies 140 (Winter 2003/2004): 91-106. [British Columbia; urban; housing; health and wellness; domesticity; Health and Home Project]

Culhane, Dara. "Their Spirits Live Within Us: Aboriginal Women in Downtown Eastside Vancouver Emerging into Visibility." American Indian Quarterly 27, 3-4 (2003): 593-606. [First Nations; British Columbia; urban; commemoration; violence against women]

Curtin, Emma. "Two British Gentlewomen." Alberta History 38, 4 (1990): 10-16. [life history; immigration; social class; homesteading]

Dahlie, Betty. "Jessie Margaret Henderson: Pioneer Teacher of Spirit River." Alberta History 48,4 (October 2000): 17-24. [education; teaching; biography]

Davies, Megan. "‘Services Rendered, Rearing Children for the State': Mothers' Pensions in British Columbia, 1919-1931." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 249-63. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [social welfare; legislation; social conditions]

Davis, Angela E. "‘Country Homemakers': The Daily Lives of Prairie Women as Seen Through the Women's Page of the Grain Grower's Guide, 1908-1928." In Canadian Papers in Rural History, vol. VIII, ed. Donald H. Akenson: 163-74. Gananoque, ON: Langdale Press, 1992. [farm work; publications; rural; social conditions; domesticity]

Davis, Angela E. "Mary Riter Hamilton: Manitoba Artist, 1873-1954." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 22-27. [artists; arts and culture; biography]

Davis, Angela E. "‘Valiant Servants': Women and Technology on the Canadian Prairies, 1910-1940." Manitoba History 25 (March 1993): 33-42. [rural; social conditions; domestic economy; Grain Grower's Guide; work]

Day, Moira and Marilyn Potts. "Elizabeth Sterling Haynes: Initiator of Alberta Theatre." Theatre Research in Canada 8, 1 (1987): 8-35. [biography; arts and culture; theatre; Edmonton; higher education]

Dean, Misao. “Voicing the Voiceless: Language and Genre in Nellie McClung’s Fiction and Her Autobiography.”  Atlantis 15, 1 (Fall 1989): 65-74

Dempsey, Hugh A. "Women Journalists as Historians." Alberta History 45, 4 (1997): 3-8. [journalism; Hughes, Katherine; biography; Kells, Edna; Price, Elizabeth Bailey]

Dempsey, Pauline. "My Life in an Indian Residential School." Alberta History 59 , 2 (Spring 2011): 22-27. [narratives; First Nations; education]

Dennison, Carol J. "They Also Served: The British Columbia Women's Institutes in Two World Wars." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 211-19. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [clubs and societies; World War One; World War Two; domesticity; household economy]

Denny, C.D. "In Memory of Mary Rose (Pritchard) Sayers: The Last Witness." Saskatchewan History 24,2 (June 1971): 63-72. [North West Rebellion; Métis; biography]

Devereaux, Cecily. Growing a Race: Nellie L. McClung and the Fiction of Eugenic Feminism. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005

Devereux, Cecily. “Women Suffrage,  Eugenics, and Eugenic Feminism in Canada.” Last modified October 1, 2013

de Zwat, Mary Leah. "White Sauce and Chinese Chews: Recipes as Postcolonial Metaphors." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 129-47. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [home economics; education; race and racism; domesticity]

Diamond, Sara. "A Union Man's Wife: The Ladies' Auxiliary Movement in the IWA, the Lake Cowichan Experience." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 287-96. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [clubs and societies; British Columbia; oral history; organized labour]

DiBiase, Linda Popp. "The Alberta Years of Winnifred Eaton." Alberta History 39, 2 (1991): 1-8. [biography; ethnicity; identity; literature]

Djao, Angela W. and Roxana Ng. "Structured Isolation: Immigrant Women in Saskatchewan." In Women: Isolation and Bonding – The Ecology of Gender, ed. Kathleen Storrie: 141-58. Toronto : Methuen, 1987. [immigration and ethnicity; social conditions; work]

Dodd, Dianne, Jayne Elliott, and Nicole Rousseau. "Outpost Nursing in Canada." In On All Frontiers: Four Centuries of Canadian Nursing, eds. Christina Bates, Dianne Dodd and Nicole Rousseau: 139-52. [employment; health care; First Nations]

Dodds, Michelle. "Vote Without Victory: The Paradoxical Situation of the Prairie Farm Woman, 1910-1930." Manitoba History 22 (September 1991): 19-22. [suffrage; social conditions; domestic economy; work; rural]

Doman, Mahinder Kaur. "A Note on Asian Indian Women in British Columbia, 1900-1935." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 99-104. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [Sikhs; race and racism; immigration; ethnicity]

Domm, Elizabeth. "Called to Duty: Medical Nursing Care in Saskatoon and Moose Jaw During the Northwest Rebellion." Saskatchewan History 58 ,2 (2006): 15-23. [health care; military service; Saskatchewan]

Domm, Elizabeth. "From the Streets of Toronto to the Northwest Rebellion: Hannah Grier Coome's Call to Duty." In Caregiving on the Perihpery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 109-26. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [nursing; military service; life history; health care]

Dooley, Chris. "‘They Gave Their Care, but We Gave Loving Care": Defining and Defending Boundaries of Skill and Craft in the Nursing Service of a Manitoba Mental Hospital during the Great Depression." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 21, 2 (2004): 229-51. [health and wellness; hospitals; higher education; employment; organized labour]

Dorsch, Julie. "‘You Just Did What Had to be Done": Life Histories of Four Saskatchewan ‘Farmer's Wives.'" In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 116-30. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [oral history; family history; rural; farming; domestic economy; farm work]

Dossa, Parin. "‘Witnessing Social Suffering': Testimonial Narratives of Women from Afghanistan." BC Studies 147 (Autumn 2005): 27-49. [British Columbia; immigration; ethnicity; refugee; health and wellness; Vancouver]

Dossa, Parin. "Women's Space/Time : An Anthropological Perspective on Ismaili and Immigrant Women in Calgary and Vancouver." Canadian Ethnic Studies 20, 1 (1988): 45-65. [immigration and ethnicity; economic roles; domesticity; culture; British Columbia; Alberta]

Drees, Laurie Meijer. "Aboriginal Women in the Canadian West." Native Studies Review 10 (1995): 61-73. [photography]

Drees, Laurie Meijer. "Training Aboriginal Nurses: The Indian Health Services in Northwestern Canada, 1939-75." In Caregiving on the Perihpery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 181-209. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [health care; First Nations; nursing; government policy]

Driscoll, Heather Rollason. "‘A Most Important Chain of Connection': Marriage in the Hudson's Bay Company." In From Rupert's Land to Canada: Essays in Honour of John E. Foster, eds. Theodore Binnema, Gerhard Ens and R.C. Macleod: 81-107. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2001. [fur trade; First Nations; marriage; Hudson's Bay Company]

Dua, Enakshi. "Racializing Imperial Canada: Indian Women and the Making of Ethnic Communities." In Sisters or Strangers? Immigrant, Ethnic and Racialized Women in Canadian History, eds. Franca Iacovetta, Marlene Epp and Frances Swyripa: 71-86. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. [immigration and ethnicity; race and racism; British Columbia; Ghadar Movement]

Duder, Karen. "Public Acts and Private Languages: Bisexuality and the Multiple Discourses of Constance Grey Swartz." BC Studies 136 (Winter 2002/2003): 3-24. [sexuality; sexual identity; marriage; British Columbia]

Dunae, Patrick A. "Geographies of Sexual Commerce and the Production of Prostitutional Space: Victoria, British Columbia, 1860-1914." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 19, 1 (2008): 115-42. [sex workers; prostitution; British Columbia; sexuality]

Dunae, Patrick A. "Sex, Charades, and Census Records: Locating Female Sex Trade Workers in a Victorian City." Histoire Social/Social History 42, 84 (2009): 267-97. [prostitution; Victoria; British Columbia; sexuality]

Dyck, Isabel. "Integrating Home and Wage Workplace: Women's Daily Lives in a Canadian Suburb." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 172-97. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [domesticity; work; immigration; Vancouver; oral history]

Edmunds-Flett, Sherry. "‘Abundant Faith': Nineteenth-Century African-Canadian Women on Vancouver Island." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 260-80. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [immigration; race and racism; social conditions; British Columbia]

Egan, Brian. "Female in a Forest Town: The Marginalization of Women in Port Alberni's Economy." BC Studies 118 (Summer 1998): 5-40. [British Columbia; Vancouver Island; employment; forestry; health and wellness]

Ellison, Jenny. "‘Stop Postponing Your Life Until You Lose Weight and Start Living Now": Vancouver's Large as Life Action Group, 1979-1985." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 18, 1 (2007): 241-65. [fat acceptance; femininity; health and wellness; feminism; body image]

English, Helen Anne. "The Journals of Helen Anne English, Field Matron on the Little Pine Reserve, 1913-1917." Saskatchewan History 45,2 (October 1993): 37-42. [letters and diaries; First Nations; missionaries; Cree]

Epp, Marlene. "Alternative Service and Alternative Gender Roles: Conscientious Objectors in B.C. During World War II." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 139-58. [Mennonites; ethnicity; British Columbia]

Epp, Marlene. "Catching Babies and Delivering the Dead: Midwives and Undertakers in Mennonite Settlement Communities." In Caregiving on the Perihpery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 61-83. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2010. [Manitoba; health care; childbirth; health and wellness; rural; immigration]

Epp, Marlene. "The Mennonite Girls' Homes of Winnipeg (1925-1959): A Home Away from Home." Journal of Mennonite Studies 6 (1988): 100-14. [oral history; Manitoba; immigration and ethnicity; domestic service; employment]

Epp, Marlene. "Midwife Healers in Canadian Mennonite Immigrant Communities: Women Who ‘Made Things Right.'" Histoire Sociale/Social History 80 (November 2007): 323-44. [immigration and ethnicity; midwifery; childbirth; health care; life histories]

Epp-Tiessen, Esther. "Gains and Losses: The Experience of Mennonite Women Immigrants of the Late Nineteenth-Century." Journal of Mennonite Studies 26 (2008): 146-56. [ethnicity and immigration; Manitoba; life histories; rural; settlement]

Erickson, Lesley. "‘Bury Our Sorrows in the Sacred Heart': Gender and the Métis Response to Colonialism – The Case of Sara and Louis Riel, 1848-83." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 17-46. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [biography; Métis; colonialism; missionaries; Grey Nuns]

Erickson, Lesley. "Constructed and Contested Truths: Aboriginal Suicide, Law, and Colonialism in the Canadian West(s), 1823-1927." Canadian Historical Review 86, 4 (December 2005): 595-618. [health and wellness; colonialism; First Nations; ethnology]

Erickson, Lesley. "The Interplay of Ethnicity and Gender: Swedish Women in Southeastern Saskatchewan." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 27-40. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [immigration; rural; social conditions; religion; societies and clubs]

Erickson, Lesley. "Murdered Women and Mythic Villains: The Criminal Case and the Imaginary Criminal in the Canadian West, 1886-1930." In People and Place: Historical Influences on Legal Culture, eds. Constance Backhouse and Jonathan Swainger: 95-119. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2003. [criminal justice; North West Mounted Police; race and racism]

Erickson, Lesley. "Repositioning the Missionary: Sara Riel, the Grey Nuns, and Aboriginal Women in Catholic Missions of the Northwest." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 115-34. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [Roman Catholicism; religion; missionaries; biography; education]

Erickson, Lesley. "‘A Very Garden of the Lord'? Hired Hands, Farm Women, and Sex Crime Prosecutions on the Prairies, 1914-1929." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, new series 12 (2001): 115-35. [sexual assault; violence; criminal justice; rural]

Erickson, Lynda. "Political Women in a Partisan World: Women Party Activists in British Columbia in the 1980s." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 96-116. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [political activism; women in politics; Social Credit; New Democratic Party; Liberal Party]

Errington, Jane. "Pioneers and Suffragists." in Changing Patterns: Women in Canada. Sandra Burt et. al. eds. Toronto: The Canadian Publishers, 1988: 51-79

Evans, Barbara. "‘We Just Lived as it Came Along': Stories from Jesse's Albums." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 33-54. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [biography; rural; farm work; Great Depression; oral history]

Evans, Barbara. "‘Yours for a Square Deal': Women's Role in the Saskatchewan Farm Movement and Early CCF." Canadian Dimension 21, 3 (May/June 1987): 7-12. [rural; women in politics; Co-operative Commonwealth Federation; political activism; farmer's movement]

Faires, Nora. "‘Talented and Charming Strangers From Across the Line': Gendered Nationalism, Class Privilege, and the American Women's Club of Calgary." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus: 261-92. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [borderlands; clubs and societies; Alberta; identity; World War Two]

Fast, Vera. "Archival Resources for Women's History in Manitoba." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 51-54.

Feldman, Anna. "‘A Woman of Valour Who Can Find?": Jewish-Saskatchewan Women in Two Rural Settings, 1882-1939." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 60-75. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [ethnicity; immigration; culture; oral histories; family history]

Fenwick, C. Marie. "'Building the Future in a Steady But Measured Pace': The Respectable Feminism of Marjorie Cooper." Saskatchewan History 54, 1 (2002): 18-34. [women in politics; biography; political activism; Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation; Great Depression]

Fenwick, Tara. "Learning on the Line: Voices of Garment Workers at Great Western Garment." Labour/Le Travailleur 59 (2007): 215-40. [Edmonton; oral histories; employment; organized labour; immigration and ethnicity]

Fiamengo, Janice. "A Legacy of Ambivalence: Responses to Nellie McClung." In Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History (Fourth Edition), eds. Veronica Strong-Boag, Mona Gleason and Adele Perry: 149-63. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2002.

Fielding, Stephen A. "The Changing Face of Little Italy: The Miss Colombo Pageant and the Making of Ethnicity in Trail, British Columbia, 1970-1977." Urban History Review 39, 1 (2010): 45-58. [Italian; ethnicity and immigration; beauty pageants; cultural perceptions]

Finkel, Alvin. "Populism and Gender: The UFA and Social Credit Experiences." Journal of Canadian Studies 27, 4 (Winter 1992/93): 76-98. [United Farm Women of Alberta; political activism; women in politics; populism]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "‘Hard Times and Everything Like That': Carrier Women's Tales of Life on the Trapline." New Faces of the Fur Trade: Proceedings of the Seventh North American Fur Trade Conference. East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1998. [British Columbia; oral history; fur trade; First Nations; work]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "Colonization and the Decline of Women's Status: The Tsimshian Case." Feminist Studies 17, 3 (1991): 509-36. [feminism; social conditions; colonialism; First Nations; fur trade; missionaries]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "Fishing is Women's Business: Changing Economic Roles of Carrier Women and Men." In Native People, Native Lands: Canadian Indians, Inuit, and Metis, ed. Bruce Aldan Cox: 186-98. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1987. [First Nations; British Columbia; colonialism; social conditions]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "Gender and the Paradox of Residential Education in Carrier Society." In Women and Education, 2nd edition, eds. Jane Gaskell and Arlene McLaren: 131-46. Calgary: Deltsig, 1991. [colonialism; British Columbia; culture; First Nations; life histories]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "Native Women in Reserve Politics: Strategies and Struggles." Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 30-31 (1990-91): 121-37. [Indian Act; social conditions; legal rights; First Nations; Carrier; political activism]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "Pocahantas's Granddaughters: Spiritual Transition and Tradition of Carrier Women of British Columbia." Ethnohistory 43, 4 (Fall 1996): 663-81. [sexuality; cultural perceptions; First Nations; residential schools; colonialism]

Fiske, Jo-Anne. "The Supreme Law and the Grand Law: Changing Significance of Customary Law for Aboriginal Women." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995):183-99. [British Columbia; government policy; legal rights; decolonization; First Nations; aboriginal]

Fitzgerald, Sharron A. and Alicja Muszynski. "Negotiating Female Morality: Place, Ideology and Agency in the Red River Colony." Women's History Review 16, 5 (2007): 661-80. [moral regulation; social conditions; sexuality; colonialism, race and racism]

Fleming, Thomas and Madge Craig. "The Anatomy of a Resignation: Margaret Strong and the New Westminster School Board, 1911-1915." In School Leadership: Essays on the British Columbia Experience, 1872-1995, ed. Thomas Fleming: 323-44. Mill Bay, BC: Bendall Books, 2001. [education; biography; teaching]

Fleming, Thomas and Carolyn Smyly. "The Diary of Mary Williams: A Cameo of Rural Schools in British Columbia, 1922-1924." In Children, Teachers and Schools in the History of British Columbia, eds. Jean Barman, Neil Sutherland and J. Donald Wilson: 259-84. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1995. [life history; education; teaching; work]

Fleming, Thomas, Carolyn Smyly and Julie White. "Beyond Hope and Past Redemption: Lottie Brown and the Rural School Teachers of British Columbia, 1928-1934." In School Leadership: Essays on the British Columbia Experience, 1872-1995, ed. Thomas Fleming: 101-32. Mill Bay, BC: Bendall Books, 2001. [teaching; education; biography; work]

Flood, Sandra. "So Rich a Heritage: The Work of the Saskatoon Arts and Crafts Society, 1924-1956." Saskatchewan History 53, 2 (2001): 22-35. [clubs and societies; immigration; ethnicity; Ukrainian; Doukhobor; handicrafts]

Fooks, Georgia Green. "The First Women: Southern Alberta Native Women Before 1900." Alberta History 51, 4 (2003): 22-28. [First Nations; life histories; social conditions; Métis]

Forestall, Nancy M. And Maureen Moynagh. “Part Three Introduction: Suffrage.” In Documenting First Wave Feminism: Volume I, Canada-Transnational Collaborations and Crosscurrents s. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2012: 108-111

Forestall, Nancy M. And Maureen Moynagh. “Part Three Introduction: Suffrage.” In Documenting First Wave Feminism: Volume II, Canada-National and Transnational Contexts. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2012:113-118

Forster, Merna.  “The Power of Freyja: Margaret Benedictsson, 1866-1956.” In 100 more Canadian Heroines : Famous and Forgotten Faces / Merna Forster ; foreword by Julie Payette. n.p.: Toronto : Dundurn, 2011; 67-69.

Freund, Alexander, and Laura Quilici. "Exploring Myths in Women's Narratives: Italian and German Immigrant Women in Vancouver, 1947-1961." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 159-82. [British Columbia; immigration; ethnicity; oral history]

Freund, Alexander and Laura Quilici. "Using Oral History to Explore Subjectivity in the Narratives of German and Italian Women in Vancouver, 1947-1961." Canadian Issues/Thémes Canadiens 18 (1996): 49-59. [British Columbia; immigration; ethnicity; oral history; identity]

Freund, Michaela. "The Politics of Naming: Constructing Prostitutes and Regulating Women in Vancouver, 1939-45." In Regulating Lives: Historical Essays on the State, the Individual, and the Law, eds. John McLaren, Robert Menzies, and Dorothy E. Chunn: 231-58. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002. [prostitution; sex workers; criminal justice; moral regulation; British Columbia; World War Two]

Fulton, Keith Louise and Michèle Pujol. "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Twenty Years of Women's Studies at the University of Manitoba." Resources for Feminist Research 20:3/4 (1991): 31-6. [higher education; Winnipeg; universities and colleges]

Gagnon, Anne. "‘Our Parents Did Not Raise Us to be Independent": The Work and Schooling of Young Franco-Albertan Women, 1890-1940." Prairie Forum 19, 2 (Fall 1994): 169-88. [household economy; ethnicity; Francophone; oral history; life history; education]

Gagnon, Anne. "The Pensionnat Assomption: Religious Nationalism in a Franco-Albertan Boarding School for Girls, 1926-1960." Historical Studies in Education 1 (Spring 1989): 95-117. [education; domesticity; francophone; Roman Catholicism; Soeurs de L'Assomption]

Galvin, Sarah. “Women Celebrate Eight Decades as ‘Persons’ in Canada: Voting but Still Not a Person.”  Last Modified October 22, 2012

Gartner, Rosemary and Bill McCarthy. "The Social Distribution of Femicide in Urban Canada, 1921-1988." Law and Society Review 25, 2 (1991): 287-311. [Vancouver; British Columbia; violence against women; social conditions]

Gaskell, Jane. "Course Enrollment in the High School: The Perspective of Working-Class Females." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 244-66. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [education; social conditions; social class; Vancouver; oral history]

Gaskell, Jane. "Educational Change and the Women's Movement: Lessons from British Columbia Schools in the 1970s." Educational Policy 18, 2 (2004): 291-310. [education; teaching; political activism; feminism; government policy]

Geller, Gloria, and Joanne Kowalchuk. "Supporting Housing Needs of Women with Mental Health Issues in Regina." Prairie Forum 27, 1 (Spring 2002): 83-100. [urban; housing; Young Women's Christian Association; health and wellness; Saskatchewan; homelessness]

Gibbons, Shelia. "Our Power to Remodel Civilization": The Development of Eugenic Feminism in Alberta, 1909-1921." Canadian Bulletin Of Medical History 31,1 (2014): 123-142.

Giesbrecht, Jodi. "Accommodating Resistance: Unionization, Gender and Ethnicity in Winnipeg's Garment Industry, 1929-1945." Urban History Review 39, 1 (2010): 5-19. [immigration and ethnicity; Jewish; employment; work; Manitoba; organized labour; strikes and lockouts]

Giffen, Phillip. "Annie's War." Manitoba History 55 (June 2007): 40-50. [letters; World War One; biography; nursing]

Glegg, Alastair. "Anatomy of a Tragedy : The Assisted Schools of British Columbia and the Death of Mabel Jones." Historical Studies in Education 17, 1 (2005): 145-64. [education; biography; rural; social conditions]

Glegg, Alastair. "Margaret Bayne and the Vancouver Girls' Industrial School." Historical Studies in Education 18, 1 (2006): 201-23. [education; British Columbia; biography; political activism]

Gleeson, Kristin L. "Blazing Her Own Trail: Anahareo's Rejection of Euro-Canadian Stereotypes." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 287-311. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [biography; cultural perceptions; First Nations]

Goodwin, Theresa. "Recollections and Reminiscences of an English School Marm in Saskatchewan." Saskatchewan History 27,2 (June 1974): 103-107. [narratives; autobiography; education]

Gorham, Deborah. "Dreams Come True: Edna Tyson Parson, Historian." Saskatchewan History 52,1 (May 2000): 27-31. [memoirs]

Gorham, Deborah. "The Canadian Suffragists." in Women in The Canadian Mosaic. Gwen Matheson ed. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates Limited, 1976, 23-55.

Grace, Sherrill Grace. "From Emily Carr to Joy Coghill…and Back: Writing the Self in Song of This Place." BC Studies 137 (Spring 2003): 109-130. [British Columbia; arts; theatre; literature; culture]

Grant, John Webster. "Two-Thirds of the Revenue: Presbyterian Women and Native Indian Missions." In Changing Roles of Women within the Christian Church in Canada, eds. Elizabeth Gillan Muir and Marilyn Färdig Whitely: 99-116. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. [missionaries; Christianity; First Nations; colonialism; life histories]

Grekul, Jana. "Sterilization in Alberta, 1928 to 1972: Gender Matters." Canadian Review of Sociology 45,4 (2008): 247-66. [eugenics; Social Credit; United Farm Women of Alberta; government policy]

Gresko, Jacqueline. "O'Melia San and the Catholic Japanese Mission, Vancouver, B.C." Canadian Catholic Historical Association Historical Studies 75 (2009): 83-100. [Roman Catholicism; missionaries; religion; immigration and ethnicity; biography]

Gresko, Jacqueline. "‘Roughing it in the Bush' in British Columbia': Mary Moody's Pioneer Life in New Westminster, 1859-1862." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara Latham and Roberta Pazdro: 105-17. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [biography; immigration; social class; frontier]

Gresko, Jacqueline. "‘The Serfs of the System?' Oblate Brothers and the Sisters of Saint Ann in British Columbia Schools, 1858-1920." Western Oblate Studies/étudies oblates de l'Ouest (Vol. 4), ed. Raymond Huel: 119-42. Edmonton: Western Canadian Publishers, 1996. [education; teaching; Roman Catholicism; religion]

Gutkin, Harry and Mildred Gutkin. "‘Give Us Our Due!': How Manitoba Women Won the Vote." Manitoba History 32 (September 1996): 12-25. [feminism; women in politics; political activism; Women's Christian Temperance Union; suffrage]

Hale, Linda Louise. "Appendix: Votes for Women: Profiles of Prominent British Columbia Suffragists and Social Reformers." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 287-302. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [biography; political activism; women in politics]

Hallett, Mary, and Marilyn Davis. Firing the Heather: The Life And Times of Nellie McClung. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Fifth House Ltd. 1994

Hallett, Mary, and Marilyn Davis. “Votes for Women!” The Beaver, 73, 5 (1993), 17-23

Hallgrimsdottir, H, R. Phillips, and C. Benoit. "Fallen Women and Rescued Girls: Social Stigma and Media Narratives of the Sex Industry in Victoria, BC, from 1980 to 2005." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 43, 3 (2006): 265-80. [sex workers; prostitution; British Columbia; cultural perceptions]

Hall, Nancy. "The Professionalisation of Women Workers in the Methodist, Presbyterian and United Churches of Canada." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 120-33. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [Christianity; Protestantism; Social Gospel; missionaries]

Hallman, Dianne M. "Telling Tales in and Out of School: Twentieth-Century Women's Teachers in Saskatchewan." Saskatchewan History 49, 2 (1997): 3-17. [education; work; life histories; oral history]

Hamblin, Jennifer. "Eva Reid: Girl Reporter." Alberta History 52,4 (October 2004): 8-21. [Social Credit; journalism]

Hancock, Carol L. No Small Legacy. n.p.: Winfield, B.C. : Wood Lake Books, 1986.

Harvey, Robert. "McClung of Manitou." in Pioneers of Manitoba. Winnipeg: The Prairie Publishing Company, 1970 41-44.

Harkin, Michael. "Engendering Discipline: Discourse and Counterdiscourse in the Methodist-Heiltsuk Dialogue." Ethnohistory 43, 3 (Fall 1996): 643-61. [missionaries; British Columbia; colonialism; sexuality; First Nations]

Hathaway, Debbie. "The Political Equality League of Manitoba." Manitoba History 3 (October 1982): 8-10. [feminism; women in politics; political activism; Social Gospel; suffrage]

Hawkins. R.E. “Lillian Beynon Thomas, Woman’s Suffrage and the Return of Dower to Manitoba.” Manitoba Law Journal 27, 1 (1999): 45-113.

Hayden, Michael. "Women and the University of Saskatchewan: Patterns of a Problem." Saskatchewan History 40,2 (June 1987): 72-82. [higher education; universities; wage discrimination]

Healy, Theresa. "Engendering Resistance: Women Respond to Relief in Saskatoon, 1930-1932." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 94-115. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [Great Depression; working class; Saskatchewan; domestic economy; social conditions]

Hedley, Max J. "Relations of Production of the ‘Family Farm': Canadian Prairies." Journal of Peasant Studies 9 (October 1981): 71-85. [household economy; farm work; economic roles; rural]

Henderson, Jennifer. “How Janey Canuck Became a Person.” Topia 13 (Spring 2005): 73-87

Hesketh, Bob. "From Cursaders to Missionaries to Wives: Alberta Social Credit Women, 1932-1955." Prairie Forum 18, 1 (Spring 1993): 53-76. [political activism; social conditions; women in politics]

Hicks, Anne. "Francis Beynon and The Guide." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 41-52. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [literature; biography; Grain Grower's Guide; journalism; social reform]

Hicks, Beverly. "Gender, Politics and Regionalism: Factors in the Evolution of Registered Psychiatric Nursing in Manitoba, 1920-1960." Journal of Nursing History 19 (2011): 103-26. [nursing; health care; health and wellness; mental health; employment; oral history]

Hill, Meredith. "The Women Workers of the Diocese of Athabasca, 1930-70." Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society 28, 2 (1986): 63-74. [religion; Roman Catholicism; work; Alberta]

Hinde, John R. "‘Stout Ladies and Amazons': Women in the British Columbia Coal-Mining Community of Ladysmith, 1912-1914." BC Studies 114 (Summer 1997): 33-57. [trade unions; strikes and lockouts; working class; organized labour; employment]

Hinther, Rhonda L. "The Oldest Profession in Winnipeg: The Culture of Prostitution in the Point Douglass Segregated District, 1909-1912." Manitoba History 41 (2001): 2-13. [criminal justice; prostitution; sexuality; violence against women]

Hobbs, Margaret, and Susan Wurtele. The women's pages of the western producer, 1925-1939. [electronic resource] : Violet McNaughton and Interwar Feminism in Canada. n.p.: Alexandria, VA : Alexander Street Press, 2009.

Hoffman, Barbara. "Women of God: The Faithful Companions of Jesus." Alberta History 43, 4 (1995): 2-12. [missionaries; religion; Roman Catholicism; education]

Hoise, Inez B. "Little White School House." Alberta History 15,4 (Autumn 1967): 26-28.[narratives]

Holt, Faye Reinberg. "Women's Suffrage in Alberta." Alberta History 39, 4 (1991): 25-31. [women in politics; political activism; feminism]

Holtslander, Cathy. "Annie Hollis: Organizing Prairie Women with The Western Producer." Prairie Forum 29, 2 (Fall 2004): 177-82. [publications; journalism; Saskatchewan Grain Growers; populism; political activism; farming]

Horodyski, Mary. "Women and the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 28-37. [organized labour; strikes and lockouts; wage discrimination; working class]

Horrall, S.W. "The (Royal) North-West Mounted Police and Prostitution on the Canadian Prairies." Prairie Forum 10, 1 (1985): 105-27. [criminal justice; social reform; sex workers; social conditions]

Howard, Irene. "The Mother's Council of Vancouver: Holding the Fort for the Unemployed, 1935-1938." BC Studies 69/70 (Spring/Summer 1986): 249-87. [British Columbia; unemployment; organized labour; strikes and lockouts; Great Depression]

Howard, Irene. The Struggle for Social Justice in British Columbia: Helena Gutteridge, the Unknown Reformer. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1992. [biography; feminism; political activism; organized labour]

Hughes, Viven. "Women in Public Life: The Canadian Persons Case of 1929." British Journal of Canadian Studies 19, 2 (2006): 257-70. [legal rights; political activism; feminism; women in politics]

Inderwick, Mary E. "A Lady and Her Ranch." Alberta History 15,4 (Autumn 1967): 1-9 [ranching; narratives; rural]

Indra, Doreen. "The Invisible Mosaic: Women, Ethnicity and the Vancouver Press, 1905-1976." Canadian Ethnic Studies 13, 1 (1981): 63-74. [journalism; British Columbia; economic roles; immigration and ethnicity]

Iseke-Barnes, Judy. "Grandmothers of the Métis Nation: A Living History with Dorothy Chartrand." Native Studies Review 18, 2 (2009): 69-104. [biography; oral history; Métis]

Jackel, Susan, ed.. A Flannel Shirt and Liberty: British Emigrant Gentlewomen in the Canadian West, 1880-1914. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1982. [immigration and ethnicity; social conditions; sources]

Jackel, Susan. Canadian Prairie Women’s History: A Bibliographic Survey.Ottawa: CRIAW/ICREF Publications, 1987

Jackel, Susan. "First Days, Fighting Days: Prairie Presswomen and Suffrage Activism, 1906-16." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 53-75. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [feminism; journalism; Canadian Women's Press Club; clubs and societies]

Jacobson, Helga E., and Naida D. Hyde. "Still Kissing the Rod: Women and Violence in British Columbia." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 217-29. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [violence against women; criminal justice; journalism; social conditions]

Jahn, Cheryle. "‘Class, Gender and Agrarian Socialism': The United Farm Women of Saskatchewan, 1921-1931." Prairie Forum 19, 2 (1994): 189-206. [women in politics; feminism; political activism; rural]

Jaipaul, Joy. "In the Shadows: Poliomyelitis Epidemics and Nursing Care in Edmonton, 1947-1955." Alberta History 53, 3 (2005): 2-8. [nursing; health and wellness; health care; hospitals; Alberta]

James, Susan, and Ivy Bourgeault. "To Fund or Not to Fund: The Alberta Decision." In Reconceiving Midwifery, eds. Ivy Lynn Bourgeualt, Cecilia Benoit and Robbie Davis-Floyd: 131-49. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. [health and wellness; childbirth; government policy; midwifery; health care; nursing]

Jameson, Sheilagh S. "A Lady and Her Ranch." Alberta History 15, 4 (Autumn 1967): 10-16. [rural; ranching; narratives]

Jameson, Sheilagh S. "Women in the Southern Alberta Ranch Community: 1881-1914." In The Canadian West: Social Development and Economic Change, ed. Henry C. Klassen: 63-78. Calgary: Comprint Publishing, University of Calgary, 1977. [social conditions; frontier; domesticity; work]

Jeffries, Theresa M. "Sechelt Women and Self-Government." BC Studies 89 (Spring 1991): 81-88. [British Columbia; aboriginal self-government; treaties; First Nations]

Jensen, M. Joan. ‘The Perils of Women’s History.” In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus: 165-85. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008.

Johnston, Susan J. "Twice Slain: Female Sex-Trade Workers and Suicide in British Columbia, 1870-1920." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association (new series) 5 (1994): 147-66. [health and wellness; prostitution; urban; violence against women]

Johnstone, Tiffany. “Sister Suffragists: Lillian Beynon Thomas (1874-1961) and Francis Marion Beynon (1884-1951). Last Modified May 14, 2014

Johnstone, Tiffany. “ A New Woman of the Canadian West: E. Cora Hind (1861-1942).” Last Modified April 21, 2013

Jones, David C. "‘From Babies to Buttonholes': Women's Work at Agricultural Fairs." Alberta History 29,4 (October 1981): 26-32. [rural; social conditions; agriculture]

Jones, Esyllt W. "Contact Across a Diseased Boundary: Urban Space and Social Interaction During Winnipeg's Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 13,1 (2002): 119-39. [health care; health and wellness; nursing; volunteerism; urban; epidemic disease]

Jones, Jo Fraser, ed. Hobnobbing With a Countess and Other Okanagan Adventures: The Diaries of Alice Barrett Parke, 1891-1900. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2001. [life histories; British Columbia; pioneer settlement; social conditions; economic roles]

Jones, Marion E., and Maximilian D. Schmeiser. "‘Holding up the other half of the sky': The Contributions of Women to Community Viability." Prairie Forum 30, 2 (Fall 2005): 187-210. [Saskatchewan; employment; entrepreneurship; rural communities]

Jutras, Mathilde. "‘La Grande Nostalgie': French-Speaking Women and Homesickness in Early Twentieth-Century Saskatchewan." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 41-59. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [ethnicity; Francophone; oral histories; social conditions; religion; family history]

Kalmakoff, Elizabeth. “Greenwood Andrews, Nellie.”

Kalmakoff, Elizabeth. "Women in Saskatchewan Politics, 1916-1919." Saskatchewan History 46 ,2 (1994): 3-18. [political activism; suffrage; social reform; temperance; World War One]

Kalmakoff, Elizabeth. “Woman Suffrage.”

Kalmakoff, Elizabeth. “Stapleford, Maude (1884-1962).”

Kalmakoff, Elizabeth. "Woman Suffrage in Saskatchewan." Order No. MM90998, The University of Regina (Canada). 1994.

Kaufert, Pat, and Kris Robinson. "Midwifery on the Prairies: Visionaries and Realists in Manitoba." In Reconceiving Midwifery, eds. Ivy Lynn Bourgeualt, Cecilia Benoit and Robbie Davis-Floyd: 204-19. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. [health and wellness; government policy; childbirth; health care; nursing]

Kealey, Linda. “Christine Mander, Emily Murphy: Rebel. First Female Magistrate in the British Empire.” Manitoba History 16 (Autumn 1988)

Kealey, Linda. "'No Special Protection - No Sympathy'. Women's Activism in the Canadian Labour Revolt of 1919." In Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930, eds. Deian R. Hopkin and Gregory S. Kealey, 134-59. Edmonton: AU Press, 1989. [Women in the Winnipeg General Strike; Women and Labour; Women and Socialism; Women and Unions; Women and Activism.]

Kealey, Linda. "Women and Labour during World War I: Women Workers and the Minimum Wage in Manitoba." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinear: 76-99. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [employment; organized labour; Women's Labour Leage; strikes and lockouts]

Keet, Jean E. "The Law Reform Process, Matrimonial Property, and Farm Women: A Case Study of Saskatchewan, 1980-1986." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 4 (1990): 166-189. [feminism; legal rights; rural; property rights]

Kehoe, Alice B. "Blackfoot Persons." In Women and Power in Native North America, eds. Laura F. Klein and Lillian A. Ackerman (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995): 113-25. [First Nations; social conditions; culture; myth and ritual]

Kelcey, Barbara E. and Angela E. Davis, eds., A Great Movement Underway: Women and The Grain Grower's Guide, 1908-1928. Winnipeg: Manitoba Record Society, 1997. [Grain Grower's Guide; social conditions; rural; agriculture; sources]

Kelm, Mary-Ellen. "A Life Apart: The Experience of Women and the Asylum Practice of Charles Doherty at British Columbia's Provincial Hospital for the Insane, 1905-1915." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 11, 2 (1994): 335-55. [health and wellness; mental health; nursing]

Kelm, Mary-Ellen. "‘The only place likely to do her any good': The Admission of Women to British Columbia's Provincial Hospital for the Insane." BC Studies 96 (Winter 1992-93): 66-89. [medical profession; hospitals; health and wellness; health care; mental health]

Kelm, Mary-Ellen. "Part of a Large Company of White Folk: Making ‘Whiteness,' Marking Gender in the Letters of Nurse Margaret Butcher." In Caregiving on the Perihpery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 127-57. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [race and racism; nursing; midwifery; British Columbia; colonialism; identity]

Kelm, Mary-Ellen. "Riding into Place: Contact Zones, Rodeo, and Hybridity in the Canadian West, 1900-1970." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 18, 1 (2007): 107-32. [rodeos and stampedes; cultural perceptions; First Nations; sport]

Kelm, Mary-Ellen. "Women, Families and the Provincial Hospital for the Insane, British Columbia, 1905-1915." Journal of Family History 19, 2 (1994): [mental health; health and wellness; health care]

Kenny, Leslie and Warren Magnusson. "In Transition: The Women's House Saving Action." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 30, 3 (1993): 359-76. [Vancouver; British Columbia; feminism; social movements; housing]

Kerr, Janet Ross. Prepared to Care: Nurses and Nursing in Alberta, 1859-1996. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1998. [nursing; employment; health care; health and wellness; hospitals; Grey Nuns]

Kerwin, Scott. "The Janet Smith Bill of 1924 and the Language of Race and Nation in British Columbia." BC Studies 121 (Spring 1999): 83-114. [race and racism; eugenics; sexuality; Chinese; immigration; legal rights]

Kinahan, Anne-Marie. ""A Splendid Army of Organized Womanhood": Gender, Communication and the National Council of Women of Canada, 1893--1918." Order No. NR08337, Carleton University (Canada), 2005.

Kinahan, Anne-Marie. "Transcendent Citizenship: Suffrage, the National Council of Women of Canada, and the Politics of Organized Womanhood." Journal Of Canadian Studies 42, no. 3 (Fall2008 2008): 5-27.

Kinnear, Mary. "‘An Aboriginal Past and a Multicultural Future': Margaret McWilliams and Manitoba History." Manitoba History 24 (September 1992): 2-7. [biography; clubs and societies; historiography; immigration and ethnicity]

Kinnear, Mary. "Disappointment in Discourse: Women University Professors at the University of Manitoba Before 1970." Historical Studies in Education 4, 2 (1992): 269-87. [higher education; employment; oral history; Royal Commission on the Status of Women]

Kinnear, Mary. "‘Do You Want Your Daughter to Marry a Farmer?' Women's Work on the Farm, 1922." In Canadian Papers in Rural History, vol. VI, ed. Donald H. Akenson: 137-53. Gananoque, ON: Langdale Press, 1988. [rural; farm work; social conditions; marriage; Grain Grower's Guide]

Kinnear, Mary. A Female Economy: Women's Work in a Prairie Province, 1870-1970. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1998. [rural; Manitoba; farm work; employment; economic roles; social conditions]

Kinnear, Mary. "How Difference Made a Difference: Women Medical Students at the University of Manitoba in the 1940s." Manitoba Medicine 63, 4 (1993): 135-36. [health care; higher education; universities and colleges; doctors; discrimination]

Kinnear, Mary. "Margaret McWilliams and ‘Her' Social Gospel." Manitoba History 22 (September 1991): 30-35. [Social Gospel; clubs and societies; biography; women in politics]

Kinnear, Mary. "‘Mostly for the Male Members': Teaching in Winnipeg, 1933-1966." Historical Studies in Education 6, 1 (1994): 1-20. [organized labour; sex discrimination; Manitoba; education]

Kinnear, Mary. "Post-Suffrage Prairie Politics: Women Candidates in Winnipeg Municipal Elections, 1918-38." Prairie Forum 16,1 (Spring 1991): 41-58. [women in politics; Manitoba; organized labour; political activism]

Kinnear, Mary. "Religion and the Shaping of ‘Public Woman': A Post-Suffrage Case Study." In Religion and Public Life in Canada: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, ed. Marguerite Van Die: 196-215. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. [biography; women in politics; Manitoba; Alberta; identity]

Kinnear, Mary. In Subordination: Professional Women, 1870-1970. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995. [Manitoba; employment; higher education; nursing; teaching]

Kinnear, Mary. "That There Woman Lawyer: Women Lawyers in Manitoba, 1915-1970." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 5, 2 (1992): 411-41. [employment; legal profession; social conditions; work]

Kinnear, Mary. “The Icelandic Connection: Freya and the Manitoba Woman Suffrage Movement.” Canadian Woman Studies 7, 4 (1986) 25-28.

Klausen, Susanne. "The Plywood Girls: Women and Gender Ideology at the Port Alberni Plywood Plant, 1942-1991." Labour/Le Travail 41 (Spring 1998): 199-235. [World War Two; British Columbia; unskilled labour; Vancouver Island; labour migration]

Klausen, Susanne. "The Role of the State in Abortion Regulation in British Columbia, 1917-37." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 13 (1996): 53-81. [government policy; reproductive rights; health and wellness; legal rights]

Klein, Laura F. "Mother as Clanswoman: Rank and Gender in Tlingit Society." In Women and Power in Native North America, eds. Laura F. Klein and Lillian A. Ackerman: 28-45. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995. [First Nations; Northwest Coast; matriorganization; First Nations; social conditions]

Klippenstein, Frieda Esau. "‘Doing What We Could': Mennonite Domestic Servants in Winnipeg, 1920s to 1950s." Journal of Mennonite Studies 7 (1989):145-166. [oral history; Manitoba; immigration and ethnicity; domestic service; employment]

Klippenstein, Frieda Esau. "Scattered but Not Lost: Mennonite Domestic Servants in Winnipeg, 1920s-1950s." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 200-31. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [immigration; oral history; urban; employment; Manitoba; domestic service]

Kojder, Apolonja Maria. "The Saskatoon Women Teachers' Association: A Demand for Recognition." Saskatchewan History 30,2 (June 1977): 63-74. [education; teaching; organized labour]

Kolodny, Annette. "‘A Sense of Discovery, Mixed with a Sense of Justice': Creating the First Women's Studies Program in Canada." NWSA Journal 12, 1 (2000): 1-24. [higher education; University of British Columbia; feminism]

Kornelsen, Jude, and Elaine Carty. "Challenges to Midwifery Integration: Interprofessional Relationships in British Columbia." In Reconceiving Midwifery, eds. Ivy Lynn Bourgeualt, Cecilia Benoit and Robbie Davis-Floyd: 111-30. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. [health and wellness; nursing; childbirth; government policy; health care; higher education]

Kozak, Nadine I. "Advice Ideals and Rural Prairie Realities: National and Prairie Scientific Motherhood Advice, 1920-29." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 179-204. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [health and wellness; childbirth; rural; Grain Grower's Guide]

Kubik, Wendee, and Robert J. Moore. "Women's Diverse Roles in the Farm Economy and the Consequences for their Health, Well-Being and Quality of Life." Prairie Forum 27, 1 (Spring 2002): 115-30. [rural; health and wellness; employment; farm work; farming]

Kukurudz, Scott M. "‘Three Mere Housewives' and the Founding of the Brandon Friendship Centre." Manitoba History 56 (October 2007): 44-51. [First Nations; societies and clubs; Métis; anti-racism]

Ladner, Kiera L. "Women and Blackfoot Nationalism." Journal of Canadian Studies 35,2 (Summer 2000): 35-61. [First Nations; aboriginal; identity; race and racism; universalism]

Lang, Marjory. "Women About Town: Chroniclers of the Canadian Social Scene at the Turn of the Century." Journal of Newspaper and Periodical History 6, 2 (1990): 3-14. [Vancouver; Winnipeg; journalism; social class]

Lang, Marjory, and Linda Hale. "Women of The World and Other Dailies: The Lives and Times of Vancouver Newspaperwomen in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century." BC Studies 85 (Spring 1990): 3-23. [British Columbia; journalism; employment; McLagan, Sara]

Langford, Nanci. "‘All that Glitters': The Political Apprenticeship of Alberta Women, 1916-1930." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 71-85. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [political activism; political organization; feminism; women in politics; United Farm Women of Alberta]

Langford, Nanci. "Childbirth on the Canadian Prairies, 1880-1930." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 147-73. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [childbirth; health and wellness; health care; rural; midwifery]

Langford, Nanci. Politics, Pitchforks and Pickle Jars: 75 Years of Organized Farm Women in Alberta. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1997. [rural; United Farm Women of Alberta; clubs and societies; political activism]

Langford, Nanci. "Social Isolation and Alberta Farm Women." In Women: Isolation and Bonding – The Ecology of Gender, ed. Kathleen Storrie: 47-58. Toronto: Methuen, 1987. [rural; farm work; social conditions]

Langford, Nanci.  “The United Farm Women of Alberta”. Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. Lincoln, Nebraska: Great Plains Research Center, 2000

Langford, Nanci. “Childbirth on the Canadian Prairies 1880-1930”. Journal of Historical Sociology. 18,3 (1995):  278-302.

Langford, N. “United Farm Women of Alberta.” Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Foundation, Canada, 2006

Langford, N. “Modesty and Meaning: Women in Alberta Local Histories” in D. Ridley (Ed.) Aspenland II : Women’s Lives and  Work in Central Alberta. Red Deer: Central Alberta Regional Museums Network and Central Alberta Historical Society, 2003

Langford, N. “Sophie Puckette”  in K. Carter (Ed.). The Small Details of Life; 20 diaries by women in Canada 1830-1996 (pp.255-276) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002

Langford, Tom. "Why Alberta Vacillated Over Wartime Day Nurseries," Prairie Forum 28, 2 (Fall 2003):173-94. [World War Two; Social Credit; Manning, Ernest; child care]

Lapp, Eula C. "When Ontario Girls Were Going West." Ontario History 60 (June 1968): 71-80.

Lassiter, Collette, and Jill Oakes. "Ranchwomen, Rodeo Queens, and Nightclub Cowgirls: The Evolution of Cowgirl Dress." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 55-70. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [fashion; clothing and attire; ranching; urban]

Lay, Jackie. "To Columbia on the Tynemouth: The Emigration of Single Women and Girls in 1862." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 19-41. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [British Columbia; immigration; religion; gold rush]

Leach, Joan. “Woman and Politics: Post-Suffrage to the 1970s.”

Leach, Joanna. "‘It's a Secret, But…': The Early Journalism of Gladys Arnold." Saskatchewan History 61,1 (Spring 2009): 33-41. [journalism; biography; feminism; World War Two]

Lecompte, Mary Lou. "Cowgirls at the Crossroads: Women in Professional Rodeo." Canadian Journal of the History of Sport 20, 2 (1989): 27-48. [sports and leisure; Calgary; Alberta]

Lee, Jo-Anne. "‘Living in Dreams': Oral Narratives of Three Recent Immigrant Women." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 144-59. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [ethnicity; Saskatchewan; oral history; employment; identity]

Lee, Linda Edith. The Myth of Female Equality in Pioneer  Society : the Red River Colony as a Test Case." (2009):

Leger-Anderson, Ann. "Marriage, Family, and the Cooperative Ideal in Saskatchewan: The Telfords." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 281-334. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [Co-operative Commonwealth Federation; family history; biography; political activism]

Leonoff, Cyril E. "The Hebrew Ladies of Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1858-2003." Western States Jewish History 37, 3-4 (2005): 17-111. [immigration and ethnicity; British Columbia; religion; identity; colonialism; clubs and societies]

Lepp, Annalee, David Millar, and Barbara Roberts. "Women in the Winnipeg Garment Industry, 1950s-1970s." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinear: 149-72. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [employment; organized labour; immigration]

Lerda, Valeria Gennaro. "From Home-Making to Politics in the Canadian Ranching Frontier of Alberta: The Case of Irene Marryat Parlby (1868-1965)." Rivista di Studi Canadesi 15 (2002): 5-30. [biography; United Farm Women of Alberta; political activism; women in politics; economic roles]

Lester, Tanya. “Margaret Benedictsson: A Forgotten Suffragist.” Western Producer/Western People, (November 1981): 10-11.

Lester, Tanya. "Rebel with a cause: Irene Parlby and the Persons Case." Herizons 3, 7 (1985), 18-19

Lewis, Norah L. "Creating the Little Machine: Child Rearing in British Columbia, 1919-1939." BC Studies 56 (Winter 1982-83): 44-60. [child care; health and wellness; medical advice]

Lewis, Norah |L. Dear Editor and Friends: Letters From Rural Women of the North-West, 1900-1920. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 1998. [rural; letters and diaries; narratives]

Lewis, Norah L. "Goose Grease and Turpentine: Mother Treats the Family's Illnesses." Prairie Forum 15, 1 (Spring 1990): 67-84. [health and wellness; Grain Grower's Guide; health care; rural]

Lewis, Norah L. "Reducing Maternal Mortality in British Columbia: An Educational Process." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 337-55. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [health and wellness; childbirth; midwifery; health care]

Lexier, Roberta. "Linking the Past with the Future: Voice of Women in Regina." Saskatchewan History 56, 2 (2004): 24-34. [cold war; anti-war movement; political activism; Saskatchewan]

Light, Linda. "The Influence of Feminism and Collectivity on the Research Process: The Vancouver Women's Health Collective." Atlantis 4, 2 (1979): 108-20. [health and wellness; health care; feminism; British Columbia]

Little, Margaret Hillyard. "Claiming a Unique Place: The Introduction of Mothers' Pensions in B.C." B.C. Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 80-102. [British Columbia; government policy; social services; social conditions]

Littlefield, Lorraine. "Women Traders in the Maritime Fur Trade." In Native People, Native Lands: Canadian Indians, Inuit and Métis, ed. Bruce Alden Cox: 173-185. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1987. [British Columbia; First Nations; northwest coast; economic roles; social conditions]

Loch-Drake, Cynthia. "Jailed Heroes and Kitchen Heroines: Class, Gender, and the Medalta Potteries Strike in Postwar Alberta." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus:29-54. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [working class; organized labour; strikes and lockouts; Medicine Hat]

Loewen, Royden. "‘The children, the cows, my dear man, and my sister': The Transplanted Lives of Mennonite Farm Women, 1874-1900." Canadian Historical Review 73, 3 (Sept. 1992): 344-73. [rural; immigration; Manitoba; farming; household economy; farm work; ethnicity]

Loewen, Royden. "Rurality, Ethnicity and Gender Patterns of Cultural Continuity during the ‘Great Disjuncture' in the R.M. of Hanover, 1945-1961." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 4, 1 (1993): 161-82. [Mennonite; immigration and ethnicity; Manitoba; rural; culture]

Louie, Siri. "Peak Potentials and Performance Anxieties: Gender, Mountaineering, and Leadership in the Canadian West, 1906-40." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 311-40. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [sport; leisure; social class; clubs and societies]

Loydlangston, Amber. "Women in Botany and the Canadian Federal Department of Agriculture, 1887-1919." Scientia Canadensis: Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 29, 2 (2006): 99-130. [science and technology; work; farming]

Lupton, Nora. "Notes on the British Columbia Protestant Orphan's Home." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 43-54. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [Victoria; social reform; religion]

Lutz, John. "Gender and Work in Lekwammen Families, 1843-1970." In In The Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women's History in Canada, eds. Mary-Ellen Kelm and Lorna Townsend: 216-50. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. [First Nations; British Columbia; Vancouver Island; colonialism; social conditions; Hudson's Bay Company]

MacDonald, Chrisitne. “How Saskatchewan Women Got the Vote.” Sakskatchewan History 1, 3 (October 1948): 1-8.

Macdonald, Graham A. "Clare Sheridan's Western Interlude: The Importance of Being Well-Connected." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 79-91. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [biography; arts and culture; painting; First Nations; Blackfoot]

Macdougall, Brenda. "‘The Comforts of Married Life': Métis Family Life, Labour, and the Hudson's Bay Company," Labour/Le Travail 61 (Spring 2008): 9-39. [fur trade; family history; employment]

MacEwan, Grant. “Henrietta Muir Edwards: The Lady and the Law.” In Mighty Women: stories of Western Canadian Pioneers. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1975, 26-32.

MacEwan, Grant. “Emily Murphy: Captain of the Famous Five.” In Mighty Women: Stories of Western Canadian Pioneers. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1975, 127-137.

MacEwan, Grant. “Louise Crummy McKinney: Death on Booze.” In Mighty Women: Stories of Western Canadian Pioneers. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1975, 138-145.

MacEwan, Grant. “Irene Parlby: The Voice of Farm Women.” In Mighty Women: Stories of Western Canadian Pioneers. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1975, 146-157.

MacEwan, Grant. “Nellie McClung: Loved and Remembered.” In Mighty Women: Stories of Western Canadian Pioneers. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1975, 159-168.

MacEwan, Grant. “Violet McNaughton: The Mighty Mite.” In Mighty Women: Stories of Western Canadian Pioneers. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 1975, 175-180.

Mack, Hughena. "Wanderlust of Eastern School Ma'ams." Alberta History 42,2 (April 1994): 16-26. [education; teachers; narratives]

MacKenzie, Jean. “Nellie Was A Lady.” The Observer (October 1973). 18-19.

Mackenzie, Suzanne. "Neglected Spaces in Peripheral Places: Homeworkers and the Creation of a New Economic Centre." Cahiers de Géographie du Québec 31, 83 (September 1987): 247-60. [employment; British Columbia; Nelson; social conditions]

MacKinnon, Doris J. Metis Pioneers: Marie Rose Delorme Smith and Isabella Hardisty Lougheed. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2018.

MacKinnon, Doris J. The Identities of Marie Rose Delorme Smith: Portrait of a Métis Woman. (Regina, Sask.: Canadian Plains Research Centre), 2012.

Mackinnon, Doris J. "‘Just an Ordinary Person': The History of Dr. Ethel Taylor." Prairie Forum 31,1 (Spring 2006): 127-39. [Alberta; literacy; Red Deer; women in politics; women's institutes]

MacLaren, Ian S. "‘Caledonian Suttee'? An Anatomy of Carrier Cremation Cruelty in the Historical Record." BC Studies 149 (Spring 2006): 3-37. [British Columbia; First Nations; aboriginal; myth and ritual]

MacLean, Una. "The Famous Five." Alberta History 10,2 (Spring 1963): 1-4.

MacLean, Una. "The Honourable Irene Parlby." Alberta History 7,2 (Spring 1959): 1-6.

MacQueen, Bonnie. "Domesticity and Discipline: The Girl Guides in British Columbia, 1910-1943." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 221-35. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [imperialism; clubs and societies; Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; World War One]

Magee, Kathryn. "‘For Home and Country': Education, Activism and Agency in Alberta Native Homemakers' clubs, 1942-1970." Native Studies Review 18, 2 (2009): 27-49. [First Nations; education; domesticity; political activism; clubs and societies]

Maguire, Constance. "Kate Simpson Hayes, Agnes Agatha Hammell, and the ‘Slur of Illegitimacy.'" Saskatchewan History 50, 2 (1998): 7-23. [social conditions; biography; Saskatchewan; identity]

Maguire, Constance. "‘Leaving the Hearth Fire Untended': Women and Public Pursuits in the Journalism of Kate Simpson Hayes." Prairie Forum 23, 1 (Spring 1998): 67-92. [political activism; domesticity; employment; journalism]

Mahé, Yvette T.M. "French Teacher Shortages and Cultural Continuity in Alberta Districts, 1892-1940." Historical Studies in Education 14, 2 (2002): 219-46. [education; francophone; teaching; employment; Roman Catholicism]

Majzels, Claudine. "Constructing the Woman Artist: Marie Hewson Guest in Winnipeg." Manitoba History 29 (March 1995): 2-10. [arts and culture; artists; biography]

Mander, Christine. First Female Magistrate in The British Empire Emily Murphy: Rebel. Toronto: Simon & Pierre, 1985

Manitoba Equal Suffrage Club executive, [Winnipeg], [circa 1900]. Photo from The Grain Growers' Guide, 7 July 1920. Archives of Manitoba, Still Images Section. Manitoba Equal Suffrage Club Collection. Item Number 1. Negative 10675

Marchildon, Rudy. G. “The ‘Persons’ Controversy: The Legal Aspects of the Fight For Women Senators. Atlantis 6, 2 (Spring 1981): 99-113

Marianopolis College. “History of Women Suffrage in Canada.”

Marks, Lynne. "‘A Fragment of Heaven on Earth'? Religion, Gender, and Family in Turn-of-the-Century Canadian Church Periodicals." Journal of Family History 26, 2 (2001): 251-71. [British Columbia; religion; domesticity; social conditions]

Matheson, Gwen and V.E. Lang. "Nellie McClung: 'Not a Nice Woman.'" in Women in the Canadian Mosaic. Toronto: Peter Martin Associates Limited, 1976, 1-20.

Marquis, Greg. "Vancouver's Vice: The Police and the Negotiation of Morality, 1904-1935." In Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Vol. VI: British Columbia and the Yukon, eds. Harnar Foster and John McLaren: 242-73. Toronto: Osgoode Society and University of Toronto Press, 1995. [moral regulation; criminal justice; British Columbia; prostitution; social reform]

Martens, Katherine and Heidi Harms. In Her Own Voice: Childbirth Stories from Mennonite Women. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1997. [oral history; life histories; Manitoba; childbirth; health and wellness; rural]

Martens, Margaret Milne, and Graeme Chalmers. "Educating the Eye, Hand and Heart at St. Ann's Academy: A Case Study of Art Education for Girls in Nineteenth-Century Victoria." BC Studies 144 (Winter 2004/2005): 31-59. [British Columbia; arts; artists; culture; Roman Catholicism; religion]

Martin, Judith. "The Continuing Struggle for Universal Day Care." In Social Policy and Social Justice: The NDP Government in Saskatchewan during the Blakeney Years, ed. Jim Harding: 17-52. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press, 1995. [political activism; child care; government policy; social conditions]

Massie, Merle. "Ruth Dalmage Shewchuck: A Saskatchewan Red Cross Outpost Nurse." Saskatchewan History 56, 2 (2004): 35-44. [life history; health care; work]

Matters, Indiana. "Sinners or Sinned Against? Historical Aspects of Female Juvenile Delinquency in British Columbia." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 265-77. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [social control; legal rights; working class]

Matthews, Sandra Leigh. Looking Back: Canadian Women's Prairie Memoirs and Intersections of Culture, History and Identity. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2010. [life histories; literature; rural; farm/frontier life]

McBain, Lesley. "Caring, Curing and Socialization: The Ambiguities of Nursing in Northern Saskatchewan, 1944-57." In Caregiving on the Periphery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 278-308. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [health care; First Nations; colonialism; health and wellness]

McBain, Lesley and Laurie Meijer Drees. "Nursing and Native Peoples in Northern Saskatchewan, 1930s-1950s." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 18 (2001): 43-65. [First Nations; health care; health and wellness]

McCallum, Margaret. "Prairie Women and the Struggle for a Dower Law, 1905-1920." Prairie Forum 18, 1 (Spring 1993): 19-34. [property; legal rights; rural; political activism; farming; homesteading]

McCormack, Patricia. "Lost Women: Native Wives in Orkney and Lewis." In Recollecting: Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands, eds. Sarah Carter and Patricia McCormack: 61-88. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2011. [Hudson's Bay Company; marriage; fur trade; families; Red River]

McCormack, Patricia. "The Many Faces of Thanadelthur: Documents, Stories and Images." In Reading Beyond Words: Contexts for Native History, 2nd ed., eds. Jennifer S.H. Brown and Elizabeth Vibert: 329-64. Toronto: Broadview Press, 2003. [fur trade; Chipewyan; fur trade; Hudson's Bay Company; oral tradition]

McCormack, Patricia A. "Visioning Thanadelthur: Shaping a Canadian Icon." Manitoba History 55 (June 2007): 2-6. [First Nations; Dene; biography; fur trade; Hudson's Bay Company]

McCallum, Todd. "‘Not a Sex Question? The One Big Union and the Politics of Radical Manhood." Labour/Le Travail 42 (Fall 1998): 15-54. [organized labour; Western Labour Conference; strikes and lockouts; gender relations; masculinity]

McDougall, Brenda. "Wahkootowin: Family and Cultural Identity in Northwestern Saskatchewan Metis Communities." Canadian Historical Review 87, 3 (2006): 431-62. [matrilocality; ethnogenesis]

McDowell, Linda. “Some Women Candidates for the Manitoba Legislature.”  The Manitoba Historical Society Series 3 no.32, (1975-76):

McGovern, Marcia. “Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).”

McGovern, Margaret. "Perspective on the Oblates: The Experience of the Sisters of Providence." In Western Oblate Studies 3 (1993): 91-98. [residential schools; religion; Roman Catholicism; British Columbia; Alberta]

McGrane, David. "A Mixed Record: Gender and Saskatchewan Social Democracy." Journal of Canadian Studies 42, 1 (2008): 179-203. [Co-operative Commonwealth Federation; New Democratic Party; political activism; women in politics]

McKay, Marion. "Region, Faith and Health: The Development of Winnipeg's Visiting Nursing Agencies, 1897-1926." In Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History, eds. Jayne Elliott, Meryn Stuart and Cynthia Toman: 70-90. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008. [health care; Victorian Order of Nurses; social reform; immigration; urban]

McKay, Sherry. "‘Urban Housekeeping' and Keeping the Modern House." BC Studies 140 (Winter 2003/2004): 11-38. [British Columbia; domesticity; Vancouver; housing]

McLaren, Angus. "‘Keep Your Seats and Face Facts': Western Canadian Women's Discussion of Birth Control in the 1920s." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 8, 2 (1991): 189-201. [health and wellness; birth control; rural; eugenics; Western Producer]

McLaren, Angus. "Sex Radicalism in the Canadian Pacific Northwest, 1890-1920." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2, 4 (1992): 527-46. [British Columbia; sexuality; Kerr, Robert Bird; Forster, Dora; health and wellness; birth control]

McLaren, Angus, and Arlene Tigar McLaren. "Discoveries and Dissimulations: The Impact of Abortion Deaths on Maternal Mortality in British Columbia." BC Studies 64 (Winter 1984-85): 3-26. [health and wellness; reproductive rights; mortality; childbirth]

McLean, Scott and Heather Rollwagen. "Progress, Public Health, and Power: Foucault and the Homemakers' Clubs of Saskatchewan." Canadian Review of Sociology 45, 4 (2008): 225-45. [clubs and societies; rural; social conditions; health and wellness]

McManus, Brie. "Francis Marion Beynon: The Forgotten Suffragist." Manitoba History 28 (September 1994): 22-30. [women in politics; suffrage; biography]

McManus, Sheila. "Gender(ed) Tensions in the Work and Politics of Alberta Farm Women, 1905-29." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 123-46. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [United Farm Women of Alberta; farm work; political activism; social conditions; domesticity; health care; Dower]

McManus, Sheila. The Line Which Separates: Race, Gender and the Making of the Alberta-Montana Borderlands. Lincoln/Edmonton: University of Nebraska/University of Alberta Press, 2005. [identity; government policy; First Nations; frontier; immigration and settlement]

McManus, Sheila. "Mapping the Alberta-Montana Borderlands: Race, Ethnicity and Gender in the Late Nineteenth Century," Journal of American Ethnic History 20 (Spring 2001): 71-87. [race and racism; First Nations; cultural perceptions; identity; social conditions; colonialism]

McManus, Sheila. "‘Their Own Country': Race, Gender, Landscape and Colonization Around the 49th Parallel, 1862-1900." Agricultural History 73, 2 (Spring 1999): 168-82. [borderlands; Alberta; Montana; rural; farming; colonialism; race and racism]

McManus, Sheila. "Unsettled Pasts, Unsettling Borders: Women, Wests, Nations." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus: 29-54. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [historiography; race and racism; borderlands; settlement]

McNab, David T. "Gathering Gum From the Silver Pine: A Cree Woman's Dream and the Battle of Belly River Crossing." Saskatchewan History 52, 2 (2000): 15-27. [oral tradition; First Nations]

McNab, Miriam. "From the Bush to the Village to the City: Pinehouse Lake Aboriginal Women Adapt to Change." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 131-43. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [Saskatchewan; Cree; Métis; oral history]

McNaught, Elizabeth. "My Trip Into This Country." Alberta History 44,3 (July 1996): 17-24. [narratives; frontier life; rural]

McNeil, Eileen M. "Women of Vision and Compassion: The Foundation of Health Care in Calgary." Alberta History 50, 1 (2002): 17-25.

McNeill, Laurie. "Death and the Maidens: Vancouver's Missing Women, the Montreal Massacre, and Commemoration's Blind Spots." Canadian Review of American Studies 38, 3 (2008): 375-98. [violence against women; British Columbia; memorials]

McNellis, Anna. "A Woman's View of Pioneer Life." Alberta History 42,3 (July 1994): 11-14. [narratives; pioneer life; homesteading; rural]

McPherson, Kathryn. "‘The Country is a Stern Nurse': Rural Women, Urban Hospitals and the Creation of a Western Canadian Work Force, 1920-1940." Prairie Forum 20, 2 (Fall 1995): 175-206. [rural; nursing; hospitals; health care; health and wellness; employment]

McPherson, Kathryn. "Nursing and Colonization: The Work of Indian Health Services Nurses in Manitoba, 1945-1970." In Women, Health and Nation: Canada and the United States Since 1945, ed. Georgina Feldbreg et. al.: 223-46. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. [health care; health and wellness; First Nations; colonialism]

McPherson, Kathryn. "Science and Technique: Nurses' Work in a Canadian Hospital, 1920-1939." In Caring and Curing: Historical Perspectives on Women and Healing in Canada, eds. Dianne Dodd and Deborah Gorham: 71-101.Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1994. [nursing; health care; employment; Winnipeg; Manitoba]

McPherson, Kathryn. "Was the ‘Frontier' Good for Women? Historical Approaches to Women and Agricultural Settlement in the Prairie West, 1870-1900." Atlantis: A Women's Journal 25, 1 (Fall/Winter 2000): 75-86

Melchior, Florence. "Nursing Students at Medicine Hat General Hospital, 1894-1920." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 277-307. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [Alberta; health and wellness; health care; higher education; immigration and ethnicity]

Menzies, June. "Votes for Saskatchewan Women." In Politics in Saskatchewan, ed. Norman Ward and Duff Spafford: 78-92. Don Mills, ON: Longmans, 1968. [political activism; feminism; Grain Grower's Guide; suffrage; women in politics]

Menzies, Robert and Dorothy E. Chunn. "The Gender Politics of Criminal Insanity: ‘Order-in-Council' Women in British Columbia, 1888-1950." Histoire Sociale/Social History 31, 62 (1998): 241-79. [government policy; health and wellness; mental health; criminal justice; legal rights]

Méthot, Mélanie. "Bigamy in the Northern Alberta Judicial District, 1886-1969: A Socially Constructed Crime that Failed to Impose Gender Barriers." Journal of Family History 31, 3 (2006): 257-66. [legal rights; criminal justice; Edmonton; marriage]

Mill, Judy E., Beverly D. Leipert, and Susan M. Duncan. "History of Public Health Nursing in Alberta and British Columbia, 1918 to 1939." Canadian Nurse 98, 1 (2002): 18-23. [health and wellness; nursing; health care; employment]

Miller, Bruce G. "Women and Politics: Comparative Evidence from the Northwest Coast." Ethnology 31, 4 (1992): 367-84. [First Nations; British Columbia; women in politics; Salish]

Miller, Kristin. "Innovative Group Quiltmaking in an Isolated Coastal Community in British Columbia, Canada: Out of the Mainstream." Uncoverings 14 (1993): 62-96. [material culture; rural]

Millar, Nancy. "Maude Riley: Never a Trailer." Alberta History 54,3 (July 2006): 11-16. [biography; social reform; World War One]

Millar, Nancy. "Maude Riley: Never a Trailer." Alberta History 54,3 (July 2006): 11-16.

Millar, Ruth. "Gladys Arnold: Second World War Correspondent and Free French Advocate." Saskatchewan History 52, 2 (2000): 47-53. [journalism; World War Two; biography]

Millar, Ruth. "Martha Bowes, Saskatchewan's First Woman Radio Announcer." Saskatchewan History 52, 1 (2000): 37-39. [biography; broadcasting; Saskatoon]

Millar, Ruth. "Nellie Carson: A Daring Young Woman in Her Flying Machine." Saskatchewan History 51, 1( 1999): 42-43. [biography; aviation; Saskatchewan]

Millions, Erin. "Breaking the Mould: A Historiographical Review of Saskatchewan's Women's History, 1880-1930." Saskatchewan History 54, 2 (2002): 31-48.

Milton, Norma. "Essential Servants: Immigrant Domestics on the Canadian Prairies, 1885-1930." In The Women's West, eds. Susan Armitage and Elizabeth Jameson: 207-17. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987. [immigration and ethnicity; work; employment; domestic service; life histories]

Minde, Emma. Their Example Showed me the War: A Cree Woman's Life Shaped by Two Cultures, translated and edited by Freda Ahenekew and H.C. Wolfart. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1997. [Biography; First Nations; missionaries; Roman Catholicism; Alberta]

Misao, Dean. "Voicing the Voiceless: Language and Genre in Nellie McClung's Fiction and Her Autobiography." Atlantis 15, 1 (Fall 1989): 65-75. [fiction; literature; literary theory]

Mitchell, Marjorie. "The Indian Act: Social and Cultural Consequences for Native Women on a British Columbia Reserve." Atlantis 4, 2 (1979): 179-88. [First Nations; government policy; social conditions]

Mitchell, Marjorie, and Anna Franklin. "When You Don't Know the Language, Listen to the Silence: An Historical Overview of Native Indian Women in BC." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro:17-35. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [First Nations; culture; matriorganization; social conditions]

Mitchell, Tom. "Beatrice Brigden and Radicalism in the Methodist Church." Manitoba History 19 (March 1990): 35-37. [biography; social reform; political activism; Winnipeg General Strike; Manitoba; Christianity]

Mochoruk, James D., and Donna Webber. "Women in the Winnipeg Garment Trade, 1929-45." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 134-148. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [employment; organized labour; strikes and lockouts; Great Depression; Manitoba]

Molyneaux, Marianne M. "Early Days in Alberta." Alberta History 8,2 (Spring 1960): 6-14. [narratives]

Monto, Tom. The United Farmers of Alberta: A Movement, A Government. Edmonton: Crang Publishing, 1989.

Mook, Laurie. "Women at University: The Early Years." Alberta History 44, 1 (1996): 8-14. [higher education; social conditions; University of Alberta; Edmonton; clubs and societies]

Morton, Leah. "From Nose Sprays to Nursing Shortages: Managing Epidemic Polio in Manitoba, 1928-1953." Manitoba History 66 (Spring 2011): 14-22. [health care; nursing; health and wellness]

Musekamp, Shirley. "The Sheppard Journals: Gender Division of Labour on a Southern Alberta Ranch." Prairie Forum 26, 1 (Spring 2001): 47-66. [ranching; employment; rural; gender relations; biography]

Moss, Erin L Henderikus J., Stam, and Diane Kattevilder. "From Suffrage to Sterilization: Eugenics and the Women's Movement in 20th Century Alberta." Canadian Psychology 54, no. 2 (May 2013): 105-114.

Muszynski, Alicja. "The Organization of Women and Ethnic Minorities in a Resource Industry: A Case of the Unionization of Shore Workers in the B.C. Fishing Industry, 1937-49." Journal of Canadian Studies 19, 1 (Spring 1984): 89-107. [organized labour; work; employment; workplace discrimination; Chinese]

Neil, Catherine. "Recollections of a Sheep Herder's Bride (I)." Alberta History 35,2 (April 1987): 18-24. [narratives; pioneer life; ranching]

Neil, Catherine. "Recollections of a Sheep Herder's Bride (II)." Alberta History 35,3 (Summer 1987): 20-28. [narratives; pioneer life; ranching]

Neil, Catherine. "Recollections of a Sheep Herder's Bride (III)." Alberta History 35,4 (Autumn 1987): 22-29. [narratives; pioneer life; ranching]

Neil, Catherine. "Recollections of a Sheep Herder's Bride (IV)." Alberta History 36,1 (January 1988): 19-26. [narratives; pioneer life; ranching]

Nelson, Fiona. Lesbian Motherhood: An Exploration of Canadian Lesbian Families. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. [Alberta; social conditions; family history]

Nelson, Jay. "A Strange Revolution in the Manners of the Country': Aboriginal-Settler Intermarriage in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia." In Regulating Lives: Historical Essays on the State, the Individual, and the Law, eds. John McLaren, Robert Menzies, and Dorothy E. Chunn: 23-62. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002. [Fur Trade; Hudson's Bay Company; Northwest Company; colonialism; First Nations; race and racism]

Newell, Dianne. "Belonging – Out of Place: Women's Travelling Stories from the Western Edge." In Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past, eds. Katie Pickles and Myra Rutherdale: 246-71. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. [colonialism; travel narratives; Carr, Emily; British Columbia]

Newell, Dianne. "The Industrial Archaeology of the Organization of Work: A Half Century of Women and Racial Minorities in British Columbia's Fish Plants." Material History Review 33 (Spring 1991): 25-36. [employment; fishing; First Nations; Vancouver; Chinese]

Newton, Janice. The Feminist Challenge to the Canadian West, 1900-1918. Montreal, Quebec: McGill-Queens University Press, 1995.

Neylan, Susan. "Encountering Spirits: Evangelical and Holiness Revivals in Victoria, B.C., and the ‘Colonial Project.'" Histoire Sociale/Social History 36, 71 (2003):175-204. [Salvation Army; colonialism; religion; missionaries; First Nations]

Neylan, Susan. "Contested Family: Navigating Kin and Culture in Protestant Missions to the Tsimshian, 1857-1896." In Households of Faith: Family, Gender and Community in Canada, 1760-1969, ed. Nancy Christie:167-204. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002. [matriorganization; First Nations; British Columbia; missionaries; social conditions]

Nickel, Dawn. "Dying in the West." Montana: The Magazine of Western History 59, 3 (2009): 25-45. [borderlands; Alberta; health and wellness; health care; hospitals]

Nicol, Janet Mary. "‘Unions Aren't Native': The Muckamuck Restaurant Labour Dispute, Vancouver, B.C. (1978-1983)." Labour/Le Travailleur 40 (1997): 235-51. [First Nations; organized labour; strikes and lockouts; feminism; employment]

Niemi-Bohun, Melanie. "Colonial Categories and Familial Responses to Treaty and Métis Scrip Policy: The ‘Edmonton and District Stragglers,' 1870-88." Canadian Historical Review 90, 1 (2009): 71-98. [colonialism; Treaty Six; fur trade]

Nilsen, Deborah. "The ‘Social Evil': Prostitution in Vancouver, 1900-1920." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 205-28. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [British Columbia; social control; moral regulation; legal rights; criminal justice]

Norcross, Elizabeth. "Mary Ellen Smith: The Right Woman in the Right Place at the Right Time." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 357-64. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [biography; women in politics; minimum wage; British Columbia]

Norell, Donna. "'The Most Humane Institution in All the Village': The Women's Rest Room in Rural Manitoba." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 38-50. [rural; clubs and societies]

Ogg, Kathryn. "‘Especially When No One Agrees': An Interview With Mary Campbell." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 237-47. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [biography; life history; oral history; credit union movement]

O'Neill, Patrick. "Carroll Aikins's Experiments in Playwriting." BC Studies 137 (Spring 2003): 65-91. [British Columbia; theatre; arts; culture; Okanagan]

Orilkow, Lionel “The Reform Movement in Manitoba, 1910-1915.” The Manitoba Historical Society Transactions Series 3 (1959-60).

Osborne, Ken. "One Hundred Years of History Teaching in Manitoba Schools, Part 1: 1897-1927." Manitoba History 36 (September 1998): 3-25. [education]

Osrtyzniuk, Natalie. "Savella Stechishin, an Ethnocultural Feminist, and Ukrainian Culture in Saskatchewan." Saskatchewan History 51, 2 (1999): 12-28. [biography; immigration; ethnicity; social conditions; political activism; identity]

O'Sullivan, Grace, Clare Hocking, and Valarie Wright-St. Clair. "History in the Making: Older Canadian Women's Food-Related Practices." Food and Foodways: History and Culture of Human Nourishment 16, 1 (2008): 63-87. [women's institutes; rural; cooking?]

Owen, Michael. "‘Lighting the Pathways for New Canadians': Methodist and United Church WMS Missions in Eastern Alberta." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 1-18. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [missionaries; immigration; Ukrainian; Christianity]

Pagh, Nancy. "Imagining Native Women: Feminine Discourse and Four Women Travelling the Northwest Coast." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 82-99. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [British Columbia; travel narratives; colonialism; First Nations; cultural perceptions]

Pagh, Nancy. "An Indescribable Sea: Discourse of Women Traveling the Northwest Coast by Boat." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 20,3 (1999): 1-27. [tourist narratives; British Columbia; environment; cultural perceptions]

Parks Canada. "Commemorating Gabrielle Roy." Manitoba History 63 (Spring 2010): 27-29. [francophone; public history; arts and culture; literature]

Paul, Pauline. "Religious Nursing Orders of Canada: A Presence on all Western Frontiers." In On All Frontiers: Four Centuries of Canadian Nursing, eds. Christina Bates, Dianne Dodd and Nicole Rousseau: 125-38. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2005. [health care; health and wellness; employment; Roman Catholicism; Grey Nuns]

Payment, Diane P. "‘Dollee' Chevrier (1878-1948): A Franco-Manitoban Suffragette and ‘Modern' Woman." Manitoba History 44 (Autumn/Winter 2002-02): 25-27. [biography; political activism; feminism; Winnipeg]

Payment, Diane P. . "‘La vie en rose"? Métis Women at Batoche, 1870 to 1920." In Women of the First Nations: Power, Wisdom and Strength, eds. C. Miller and P. Chuchryk: 19-37. Winnipeg:University of Manitoba Press, 1996. [oral history; life histories; social conditions; Northwest Rebellion; religion; culture]

Payment, Diane P. "Onesime Dorval: ‘La Bonne Demoiselle.'" Saskatchewan History 55,1 (May 2003): 31-35. [Métis; First Nations; education; Catholicism; teaching]

Pazdro, Roberta J. "Agnes Deans Cameron: Against the Current." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 101-23. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [education; immigration; biography; Victoria; British Columbia]

Pazdro, Roberta J. "From Pastels to Chisel: The Changing Role of BC Women Artists." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 119-40. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [arts and culture; painting; Victoria; clubs and societies]

Peers, Laura. "Subsistence, Secondary Literature, and Gender Bias: The Saulteaux." In Women of the First Nations: Power, Wisdom, and Strength, eds. Christine Miller and Patricia Chuchryk: 41-50. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1996. [work; social conditions; migration; Manitoba]

Perry, Adele. "The Autocracy of Love and the Legitimacy of Empire: Intimacy, Power and Scandal in Nineteenth-Century Metlakahtlah." Gender and History [Great Britain] 16,2 (2004): 261-88. [Tsimshian; First Nations; missionaries; Duncan, William; sexuality; imperialism; colonialism]

Perry, Adele. "‘Fair Ones of a Purer Caste': White Women and Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia." Feminist Studies 23, 3 (Fall 1997): 501-24. [marriage; employment; race and racism; masculinity; immigration; imperialism]

Perry, Adele. "Hardy Backwoodsmen, Wholesome Women, and Steady Families: Immigration and the Construction of a White Society in Colonial British Columbia, 1849-1871." Histoire Sociale/Social History 33, 66 (November 2000): 343-60. [colonialism; marriage; employment; race and racism; masculinity; immigration; imperialism]

Perry, Adele. "Metropolitan Knowledge, Colonial Practice, and Indigenous Womanhood: Missions in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia." In Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past, eds. Katie Pickles and Myra Rutherdale: 109-30. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. [missionaries; domesticity; marriage; labour]

Perry, Adele. "‘Oh I'm Just Sick of the Faces of Men': Gender Imbalance, Race, Sexuality, and Sociability," BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 27-43. [colonialism; sexuality; aboriginal people; British Columbia; First Nations]

Perry, Adele. On the Edge of Empire: Gender, Race and the Making of British Columbia, 1849-1871. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. [colonialism; social conditions; race and racism; immigration and settlement]

Perry, Adele. "Whose Sisters and What Eyes? White Women, Race, and Immigration to British Columbia, 1849-1871." In Sisters or Strangers? Immigrant, Ethnic and Racialized Women in Canadian History, eds. Franca Iacovetta, Marlene Epp and Frances Swyripa: 49-70. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. [colonialism; social conditions; race and racism; immigration and settlement]

Perry, Richard. "The Fur Trade and the Status of Women in the Western Sub-Arctic." Ethnohistory 26 (1979): 363-75. [economic roles; social conditions; First Nations; Chipewyan]

Peter, Karl and Ian Whitaker. "The Changing Role of Hutterite Women." Prairie Forum 7, 2 (1982): 267-77. [immigration and ethnicity; social conditions; rural; cultural perceptions; economic roles]

Peterson, Jacqueline. "Women Dreaming: The Religiopsychology of Indian-White Marriages and the Rise of a Métis Culture." In Western Women: Their Land, Their Lives, eds. Lillian Schlissel, Vicki L. Ruiz and Janie Monk: 49-68. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1988. [ethnogenesis; Métis; fur trade; culture; identity]

Petersson, Sandra. "Ruby Clements and Early Women of the Alberta Bar." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 9, 2 (1997): 365-93. [biography; professional; social conditions; higher education]

Philips, Paul. "Women in the Manitoba Labour Market: A Study of the Changing Economic Role." In The Canadian West: Social Change and Economic Development, ed. Henry C. Klassen: 79-92. Calgary: Comprint Publishing, University of Calgary, 1977. [work; employment; social conditions; organized labour]

Pickles, Katie. "The Old and New on Parade: Mimesis, Queen Victoria, and Carnival Queens on Victoria Day in Interwar Victoria." In Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past, eds. Katie Pickles and Myra Rutherdale: 272-91. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. [imperialism; holidays; British Columbia; Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire]

Pinkham, Jean. "Reminiscences of an Old Timer." Manitoba History 20 (September 1990): 16-20. [Hudson's Bay Company; biography; narrative/memoir; Red River Settlement]

Plett, Lynette Sarah. "Refashioning Kleine Gemeinde Women's Dress in Kansas and Manitoba: A Textual Crazy Quilt." Journal of Mennonite Studies 26 (2008): 111-31. [immigration and ethnicity; clothing and dress; economic roles; life histories]

Plett, Lynette Sarah. 2000. ""How the Vote Was Won": Adult Education and the Manitoba Woman Suffrage Movement, 1912--1916." Order No. MQ76848, The University of Manitoba (Canada).

Poirier, Thelma. A Voice of Her Own. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005 [Alberta; ranching; life histories; rural]

Powell, Barbara. "The Diaries of the Crease Family Women." BC Studies 105/106 (Spring/Summer 1995): 45-58. [British Columbia; family history; biography]

Powell, Mary Patricia. "A Response to the Depression: The Local Council of Women of Vancouver." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 255-78. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [British Columbia; Great Depression; political activism; unemployment]

Prenter. Harriet. “The Failure of the Suffrage Movement to Bring Freedom to Women (1928).” In Documenting First Wave Feminism: Volume II, Canada-National and Transnational Contexts. Eds. Nancy M. Forestell and Maureen Moynagh. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, 2012:149-151.

Prince, Nicholette. "Nlaka'pamux Women's Headgear: An Examination of Design Elements." Material History Review 61 (2005): 52-61. [British Columbia; First Nations; clothing; social status]

Proom, Juliette. "Tilly Jean Rolston: She Knew How to Throw a Party." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 381-88. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [British Columbia; women in politics; biography; Social Credit]

Quiney, Linda. "‘Suitable Young Women': Red Cross Nursing Pioneers and the Crusade for Healthy Living in Manitoba, 1920-30." In Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History, eds. Jayne Elliott, Meryn Stuart and Cynthia Toman: 91-110. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008. [health care; rural; Manitoba; ethnicity]

Racette, Sherry Farrell. "Sewing for a Living: The Commodification of Métis Women's Artistic Production." In Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada's Colonial Past, eds. Katie Pickles and Myra Rutherdale: 17-46. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. [Red River; Hudson's Bay Company; fur trade; handicrafts]

Raibmon, Paige. "Living on Display: Colonial Visions of Aboriginal Domestic Spaces." BC Studies 140 (Winter 2003/2004): 69-89. [British Columbia; colonialism; domesticity; housing; First Nations; anthropology; Kwakwaka'wakw]

Ransom, Diane. "‘The Saskatoon Lily': A Biography of Ethel Catherwood." Saskatchewan History 41,3 (October 1988): 81-98. [biography; sports and leisure]

Raptis, Helen. "Bending the Bars of the Identity Cage: Amy Brown and the Development of Teacher Identity in British Columbia." History of Education 39, 2 (2010): 199-218. [teaching; education; immigration and ethnicity; political activism; oral history]

Raptis, Helen. "Pushing Physical, Racial, and Ethnic Boundaries: Edith Lucas and Public Education in British Columbia, 1903-1989." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus: 215-36. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [biography; education]

Raptis, Helen, and Mary Ashworth. "A Tale of Two Women: Edith Lucas, Mary Ashworth, and the Changing Nature of Educational Policy in British Columbia, 1937-1977." Historical Studies in Education 17, 2 (Fall 2005): 293-319. [biography; government policy; public education; immigration and ethnicity]

Rasmussen, Linda. A Harvest Yet to Reap: A History of Prairie Women. Toronto: Women's Press, 1976.

Rasmussen, Pat. "Telling our Story: Women's Program and Resource Centre, 1981-1991." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 155-70. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [higher education; Edmonton; University of Alberta]

Rasporich, Beverly. "Vera Lysenko's Fictions: Engendering Prairie Spaces." Prairie Forum 16,2 (Fall 1991): 249-64. [Ukrainian; arts and culture; writing]

Ravicz, Marilyn, Diane Battung, and Laura Buker. "Rainbow Women of the Fraser Valley: Lifesongs Through the Generations." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro:37-52. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [oral history; life history; British Columbia; aboriginal]

Reichwein, Pearlann and Karen Fox. "Margaret Fleming and the Alpine Club of Canada: A Woman's Place in Mountain Leisure and Literature, 1932-1952." Journal of Canadian Studies 36,3 (2001): 35-60. [biography; sport; mountaineering; Winnipeg]

Reichwein, Pearl Ann. Climbers’ Paradise: Making Canada’s Mountain Parks, 1906 to 1974. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2014.

Reichwein, Pearl Ann and Karen Fox, eds. Mountain Diaries: The Alpine Adventures of Margaret Fleming, 1929-1980. Calgary: Historical Society of Alberta, 2004.

Reichwein, Pearl Ann and Lisa McDermott. “Opening the Secret Garden: Mary Schaffer, Jasper Park Conservation, and the 1911 Survey of Maligne Lake.”  In Culturing Wilderness in Jasper National Park: Studies in Two Centuries of Human History in the Upper Athabasca River Watershed, ed. I.S. MacLaren: 155-98., Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2007.

Reid, J.W. Liquor Laws, Equal Suffrage and Other Saskatchewan Legislation Affecting Women [microform]. n.p.: Regina: 1916.

Reilly, Sharon. "Material History and the History of Women." In First Days, Fighting Days: Women in Manitoba History, ed. Mary Kinnear: 1-17. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1987. [technology; domesticity; museums; public history]

Reilly, Sharon. "Mollie-Irene Ives: Dressing for Court." Manitoba History 56 (October 2007): 62-63. [biography; Winnipeg; trials]

Rennie, Bradford James. The Rise of Agrarian Democracy: The United Farmers and Farm Women of Alberta, 1909-1921. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. [rural; United Farm Women of Alberta; women in politics; political activism]

Richardson, Sharon. "Frontier Health Care: Alberta's District Nursing Service." Alberta History 18 (2001): 2-9. [nursing; health care; health and wellness; employment]

Richardson, Sharon. "Political Women, Professional Nurses, and the Creation of Alberta's District Nursing Service, 1919-1925." Nursing History Review 6 (1998): 25-50. [nursing; health care; health and wellness; employment; work]

Richardson, Sharon. "‘Stand up and Be Counted': Nursing at the Calgary General Hospital after the Second World War." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 18, 2 (2001): 297-323. [employment; higher education; health care; hospitals; Alberta]

Richardson, Sharon. "Women's Enterprise: Establishing the Lethbridge Nursing Mission, 1909-1919." Nursing History Review 5 (1997): 105-30. [nursing; Alberta; health care; health and wellness; employment; work]

Ridington, Robin. "Stories of the Vision Quest Among Dunne-za Women." Atlantis 9,1 (Fall 1983): 68-78. [First Nations; anthropology; ritual]

Riley, Barbara. "Six Saucepans to One: Domestic Science vs. the Home in British Columbia, 1900-1930." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 159-81. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [domesticity; education; oral history; social conditions; life histories; Victoria]

Ristock, Janice L. "‘And Justice for All?' The Social Context of Legal Responses to Abuse in Lesbian Relationships." Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 7, 2 (1994): 425-30. [homosexuality; violence against women; Manitoba; Winnipeg; heterosexism]

Roberts, Barbara. A Reconstructed World: A Feminist Biography of Gertrude Richardson. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996

Rollason, Heather. "Some Comments upon the Marked Differences in the Representations of Chipewyan Women in Samuel Hearne's Field notes and His Published Journal." In Earth, Water, Air and Fire: Studies in Canadian Ethnohistory, ed. David McNab: 263-74. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1998. [cultural perceptions; Hudson's Bay Company; exploration journals]

Rollings-Magnusson, Sandra. "Canada's Most Wanted: Pioneer Women on the Western Prairies." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 37, 2 (2000): 223-38. [economic conditions; pioneer settlement; rural; social conditions; Saskatchewan]

Rollings-Magnusson, Sandra. "Flax Seed, Goose Grease, and Gun Powder: Medical Practices by Women Homesteaders in Saskatchewan (1882-1914): 388-410. [rural; health and wellness; pioneer; health care]

Rollings-Magnusson, Sandra. "Hidden Homesteaders: Women, the State and Patriarchy in the Saskatchewan Wheat Economy, 1870-1930." Prairie Forum 24, 2 (Fall 1999): 171-83. [rural; farm work; legal rights; homesteading; domestic economy; property]

Rollings-Magnusson, Sandra. "Necessary for Survival: Women and Children's Labour on Prairie Homesteads, 1871-1911." Prairie Forum 29, 2 (Fall 2004): 223-44. [farm work; rural; domestic economy; children]

Rooke, Patricia T. and R.L. Schnell. "Charlotte Whitton Meets ‘The Last Best West': The Politics of Child Welfare in Alberta, 1929-49." Prairie Forum 6, 2 (1981): 143-62. [biography; political activism; child welfare; Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire]

Roome, Patricia A. "‘From One Whose Home is Among the Indians': Henrietta Muir Edwards and Aboriginal Peoples." In Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving the West Through Women's History, eds. Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome and Char Smith: 47-78. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2005. [colonialism; race and racism; biography; cultural perceptions]

Roome, Patricia A. "Remembering Together: Reclaiming Alberta Women's Past." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 171-202. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [First Nations; Métis; religion; immigration; feminism; historiography]

Roome, Patricia A. "Henrietta Muir Edwards: The Journey of a Canadian Feminist." Order No. NQ24346, Simon Fraser University (Canada), 1996.

Ross, Becki. "Bumping and Grinding On the Line: Making Nudity Pay." Labour/Le Travailleur 46 (2000): 221-50. [Vancouver; sexuality; burlesque; moral regulation]

Ross, Becki. "Spectacular Striptease: Performing the Sexual and Racial Other in Vancouver, B.C., 1945-1975." Journal of Women's History 17,1 (2005): 137-64. [oral history; social class; sexuality; moral regulation; burlesque; racialization ]

Ross, Sheila. "‘For God and Canada': The Early Years of the Catholic Women's League in Alberta." Historical Studies 62 (1996): 89-108. [Roman Catholicism; religion; clubs and societies; social reform]

Rossiter, Marian J. "Slavic Brides in Rural Alberta." Journal of International Migration and Integration 6, 3-4 (2005): 493-512. [immigration and ethnicity; marriage; social conditions]

Rosenthal, Star. "Union Maids: Organized Women Workers in Vancouver, 1900-1915." BC Studies 41 (Spring 1979):36-55. [British Columbia; maids; organized labour; trade unions; employment]

Routledge, Karen. "‘Being a Girl Without Being a Girl': Gender and Mountaineering on Mount Waddington, 1926-1936." BC Studies 141 (Spring 2004): 31-58. [British Columbia; mountaineering; sport; environment]

Rowell, Gladys M. "Memories of an English Settler." Alberta History 29,2 (April 1981): 12-19.

Rozum, Molly P. "‘That Understanding With Nature': Region, Race, and Nation in Women's Stories from the Modern Canadian and American Grasslands West." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus:129-64. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [borderlands; environment; settlement; rural; identity]

Rudling, Per Anders. 2005. "A Paper for The Scandinavians in Edmonton: The Norwegian Immigrant Experience in Alberta As Recorded in the Norwegian-Language Paper ‘Vikingen.’” Scandinavian-Canadian Studies 16, 66-87.

Russell, Bob. "A Fair or Minimum Wage? Women Workers, the State, and the Origins of Fair Wage Regulation in Western Canada." Labour/Le Travailleur 28 (1991): 59-88. [discrimination; employment; working class]

Rutherdale, Myra. "‘I Wish the Men Were Half as Good': Gender Constructions in the Canadian North-Western Mission Field, 1860-1940." In Telling Tales: Essays in Western Women's History, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 32-59. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. [missionaries; Church Missionary Society; marriage; domesticity; Tsimshian; First Nations; British Columbia; religion]

Rutherdale, Myra. "Nursing in the North and Writing for the South: The Work and Travels of Amy Wilson." In Caregiving on the Perihpery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 158-78. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [life history; health care; First Nations]

Rutherdale, Myra. "Revisiting Colonization Through Gender: Anglican Missionary Women in the Pacific Northwest and the Arctic, 1860-1945." BC Studies 104 (Winter 1994): 3-23. [missionaries; colonialism; religion; British Columbia; First Nations]

Sager, Eric W. "Women in the Industrial Labour Force: Evidence for British Columbia, 1921-53." BC Studies 149 (Spring 2006): 39-62. [employment; Great Depression; World War Two; industry]

Samson, Amy. "Eugenics in the Community: Gendered Professions and Eugenic Sterilization in Alberta, 1928-1972." Canadian Bulletin Of Medical History 31,  1 (June 2014): 143-163

Sangster, Joan. "The Making of a Socialist-Feminist: The Early Career of Beatrice Brigden, 1888-1941." Atlantis 13, 1 (1987): 14-28. [biography; women in politics; feminism; political activism; Manitoba; Co-operative Commonwealth Federation]

Sangster, Joan. "Robitnytsia, Ukrainian Communists, and the ‘Porcupinism' Debate: Reassessing Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in Early Canadian Communism, 1922-1930." Labour/Le Travailleur 56 (2005): 51-90. [immigration and ethnicity; working class; Winnipeg; social conditions]

Sangster, Joan. "‘Women and the New Era': The Role of Women in the Early CCF, 1933-1940." In "Building the Co-operative Commonwealth": Essays on the Democratic Socialist Tradition in Canada, ed. J. William Drennan: 69-98. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1984. [Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation; political activism; women in politics; feminism; Great Depression; life histories]

Schneider, Elise. "Addressing the Issues: Two Women's Groups in Edmonton, 1905-16." Alberta History 36, 3 (1998): 15-22. [clubs and societies; Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; Edmonton Local Council of Women; political activism; social reform; feminism]

Schneider, Elise. "Addressing the Issues: Two Women's Groups in Edmonton, 1905-16." Alberta History 36, 3 (1988): 15-22.

Schrodt, Barbara. "Vancouver's Dynastic Domination of Canadian Senior Women's Basketball: 1942 to 1967." Canadian Journal of History of Sport 26, 2 (1995): 19-32. [sports and leisure; British Columbia]

Schuurman, Nadine. "Contesting Patriarchies: Nlha7pamux and Stl'stl'imx Women and Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century British Columbia." Gender, Place and Culture 5, 2 (1998): 39-57. [First Nations; fur trade; immigration and settlement; social conditions; race and racism]

Scowby, Christa. "‘I am a Worker, Not a Drone': Farm Women, Reproductive Work and the Western Producer, 1930-39." Saskatchewan History 48 (Fall 1996): 3-15. [Great Depression; social conditions; journalism; rural; farm work; Saskatchewan]

Sethna, Christabelle. "‘Chastity Outmoded!' The Ubyssey, Sex and the Single Girl, 1960-1970." In Creating Postwar Canada: Community, Diversity and Dissent, 1945-1975, eds. Magda Fahmi and Robert Rutherdale: 289-314. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007. [sexuality; University of British Columbia; Vancouver; birth control; journalism]

Sethna, Christabelle and Steve Hewitt. "Clandestine Operations: The Vancouver Women's Caucus, the Abortion Caravan, and the RCMP." Canadian Historical Review 90, 3 (2009): 463-95. [reproductive rights; legal rights; women's liberation; police surveillance]

Sharp, Henry S. "Asymmetric Equals: Women and Men Among the Chipewyan." In Women and Power in Native North America, eds. Laura F. Klein and Lillian A. Ackerman: 46-74. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995. [social conditions; culture; First Nations; fur trade]

Sharpe, Robert J., and Patricia I. McMahon. The Persons Case: The Origins and Legacy of the Fight for Legal Personhood. Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2007.

Sheehan, Nancy. "Temperance, Education and the WCTU in Alberta, 1905-1930." Journal of Educational Thought 14, 2 (1980): 108-24. [Women's Christian Temperance Union; education; prohibition; social reform]

Sheehan, Nancy. "The WCTU and Educational Strategies on the Canadian Prairie." History of Education Quarterly 24, 1 (1984): 101-19. [education; Women's Christian Temperance Union; prohibition; social reform]

Sheehan, Nancy. "The WCTU on the Prairies, 1886-1930: An Alberta-Saskatchewan Comparison." Prairie Forum 6, 1 (1981): 17-34. [Women's Christian Temperance Union; prohibition; alcohol; social reform; political activism]

Sheehan, Nancy. "‘Women Helping Women': The WCTU and the Foreign Population in the West, 1905-1930." International Journal of Women's Studies 6, 5 (1983): 395-411. [social reform; Women's Christian Temperance Union; Saskatchewan; prohibition; alcohol; political activism]

Siemens, Ruth Derksen. "Quilt as Text and Text as Quilt: The Influence of Genre in the Mennonite Girls' Home of Vancouver (1930-1960)." Journal of Mennonite Studies 17 (1999): 118-29. [British Columbia; immigration and ethnicity; material culture; work]

Silverman, Elaine. The Last Best West: Women on the Alberta Frontier, 1880-1930. Calgary: Fifth House, 1998. [oral history; rural; life histories; health and wellness; social conditions]

Silverman, Elaine. "In Their Own Words: Mothers and Daughters on the Alberta Frontier, 1890-1929." Frontiers 2, 2 (Summer 1977). [oral history; settlement; pioneer; rural; work]

Silverman, Elaine. "Women and the Victorian Work Ethic on the Alberta Frontier: Prescription and Description." In The New Provinces: Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1905-1980, eds. Howard Palmer and Donald Smith: 91-99. Vancouver: Tantalus, 1980. [rural; settlement; economic roles]

Singer, Lisa. "‘God Could Not be Everywhere – So He Made Mothers': The Unrecognized Contributions of Early Jewish Women Pioneers, 1880-1920." In A Sharing of Diversities: Proceedings of the Jewish Mennonite Ukrainian Conference ‘Building Bridges, eds. Fred Stambrook and Bert Friesen: 101-12. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1999. [religion; identity; immigration and ethnicity; culture; work]

Sisler, Berenice B. A Partnership of Equals: The Struggle for the Reform of Family Law in Manitoba. Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 1995. [legal rights; property rights; government policy; New Democratic Party]

Small, Nadine. "The ‘Lady Imperialists' and the Great War: The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire in Saskatchewan, 1914-1918." In "Other Voices": Historical Essays on Saskatchewan Women, eds. David De Brou and Aileen Moffatt: 75-93. Regina: Canada Plains Research Centre, 1995. [World War One; societies and clubs; imperialism]

Smillie, Christine. "The Invisible Workforce: Women Workers in Saskatchewan from 1905 to World War II." Saskatchewan History 39,2 (June 1986): 62-79. [working class; wage discrimination; social conditions; domestic service]

Smith, Catherine Munn. "Marion Moodie: From Proper Lady to New Woman." Alberta History 49,1 (January 2001): 9-15. [nursing; biography; health care; social conditions]

Smith, Char. "‘Crossing the Line': American Prostitutes in Western Canada, 1895-1925." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus: 241-59. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [borderlands; criminal justice; sexuality; prostitution]

Smith, Charleen. "Boomtown Brothels in the Kootnays, 1895-1905." In People and Place: Historical Influences on Legal Culture, eds. Constance Backhouse and Jonathan Swainger: 120-52. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2003. [British Columbia; prostitution; criminal justice; social conditions]

Smith, Donald B. "Elizabeth Barrett." Alberta History 46,4 (October 1998): 19-28. [biography; missionaries; education; letters]

Smith, Erica. "‘Gentlemen, This is No Ordinary Trial': Sexual Narratives in the Trial of the Reverend Corbett, Red River, 1863." In Readings Beyond Words: Contexts for Native History, eds. Jennifer S.H. Brown and Elizabeth Vibert: Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 1996. [cultural perceptions; sexuality; race and racism; Métis; Hudson's Bay Company]

St. Onge, Nicole. "Memories of Métis Women of Saint-Eustache, Manitoba, 1910-1980." Native Studies Review 17:2 (2008): 45-68. [oral history; rural; economic roles; work; identity]

Stainsby, Jill. "‘It's the smell of money": Women Shoreworkers of British Columbia," BC Studies 103 (Fall 1994): 59-81. [trade unions; organized labour; fishing; employment]

Steedman, Mercedes. "The Promise: Communist Organizing in the Needle Trades: The Dressmakers' Campaign, 1928-1937." Labour/Le Travail 34 (1994): 37-73. [communism; Winnipeg; organized labour; work; employment; strikes and lockouts]

Stephenson, Penelope. "Mrs. Gibson looks as if she was ready for the end of the term': The Professional Trials and Tribulations of Rural Teachers in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley in the 1920s." In Children, Teachers and Schools in the History of British Columbia, eds. Jean Barman, Neil Sutherland and J. Donald Wilson: 235-57. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1995. [teaching; education; oral history; employment; work]

Stewart, Lee. It's Up To You: Women at UBC in the Early Years. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1990. [higher education; University of British Columbia]

Stewart, Lee. "The Politics of Women's Education: Establishing Home Economics at the University of British Columbia, 1914-1949." Historical Studies in Education 1,2 (1989): 261-81. [higher education; domesticity; feminism]

Stewart, Lee. "Women on Campus in British Columbia: Strategies for Survival, Years of War and Peace, 1906-1920." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 185-93. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [World War One; higher education; University of British Columbia; clubs and societies]

Stoddart, Mark C.J., and David B. Tindall. "Feminism and Environmentalism: Perspectives on Gender in the BC Environmental Movement During the 1990s." BC Studies 165 (Spring 2010): 75-100. [British Columbia; political activism]

Stortz, Paul J. and Donald Wilson. "Education on the Frontier: Schools, Teachers and Community Influence in North-Central British Columbia." Histoire Sociale/Social History 26, 52 (1993): 265-90. [rural; teaching; employment; government policy]

Strong-Boag, Veronica. "Canadian Feminism in the 1920s: The Case of Nellie L. McClung." Journal of Canadian Studies 12, 4 (1977): 58-68. [women in politics; political activism; Alberta; biography]

Strong-Boag, Veronica. “ Daughters of the True North 1900-1995.” The Beaver 74, 6 (1995), 29-40.

Strong-Boag, Veronica. "‘Ever a Crusader': Nellie McClung, First-Wave Feminist." In Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History, Third Edition, eds. Veronica Strong-Boag and Anita Clair Fellman: 271-84. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1997. [political activism; social reform; women in politics]

Strong-Boag, Veronica. "Pulling in Double Harness, or Hauling a Double Load: Women, Work and Feminism on the Canadian Prairie." Journal of Canadian Studies 21, 3 (1986): 32-52. [farm work; feminism; social conditions; political activism; domestic economy; historiography]

Strong-Boag, Veronica, and Kathryn McPherson. "The Confinement of Women: Childbirth and Hospitalization in Vancouver, 1919-1939." BC Studies 69/70 (Spring/Summer 1986): 142-74. [health care; health and wellness; hospitals; medical profession; British Columbia]

Sugiman, Momoye, ed. Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women. Women's Book Committee, Chinese Canadian National Council. Toronto: Women's Press, 1992. [immigration and ethnicity; race and racism; Chinese; oral history; life histories]

Sugiman, Pamela. "Days You Remember: Japanese Canadian Women and the Violations of Internment." In Not Born a Refugee Woman: Contesting Identities, Rethinking Practices, eds. Maroussia Hajdukowski-Ahmed, Nazilla Khanlou and Helene Moussa: 113-24. New York: Berghahn Books, 2007. [Japanese evacuation; race and racism; redress; World War Two; British Columbia]

Sugiman, Pamela. "Memories of Internment: Narrating the Life Stories of Japanese Canadian Women." Canadian Journal of Sociology 29, 3 (2004): 359-88. [life histories; oral history; Japanese evacuation; World War Two; race and racism]

Sugiman, Pamela. "Passing Time, Moving Memories: Interpreting Wartime Narratives of Japanese Canadian Women." Histoire Sociale/Social History 37, 73 (2004): 51-79. [Japanese evacuation; World War Two; internment; oral history; life histories; race and racism]

Sugiman, Pamela. "‘These Feelings that Fill My Heart': Japanese Canadian Women's Memories of Internment." Oral History 34, 2 (2006): 69-84. [memory; Japanese evacuation; oral history; World War Two]

Sundberg, Sara Brooks. "A Female Frontier: Manitoba Farm Women in 1922." Prairie Forum 16:2 (Fall 1991): 185-204. [rural; farm work; domestic technology; social conditions; United Farm Women of Manitoba]

Switzer, Jack. "Faith and Humanity: Calgary's National Council of Jewish Women." Western States Jewish History 42, 4 (2010): 11-16. [immigration and ethnicity; clubs and societies; Alberta]

Switzer, Jack. "The Ordeal of Sophie Sheinin." Alberta History 56,1 (Winter 2008): 16-22. [political activism; biography; communism]

Switzer, Jack. "Sophie Mushkat McClusky: Alberta's Strident Socialist." Alberta History 54,3 (July 2006): 21-24. [political activism; socialism; working class; biography]

Switzer, Jack. "Whoa Emma!! An Anarchist Visits Calgary, 1907." Alberta History 55,3 (July 2007): 8-12. {anarchism; biography; political activism]

Swyripa, Frances. "The Mother of God Wears a Maple Leaf: History, Gender, and Ethnic Identity in Sacred Space." In Sisters or Strangers? Immigrant, Ethnic, and Racialized Women in Canadian History, eds. Marlene Epp, Franca Iacovetta and Frances Swyripa: 341-61. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004. [Edmonton; Alberta; immigration and ethnicity; religion; identity; nationalism]

Swyripa, Frances. "Negotiating Sex and Gender in the Ukrainian Bloc Settlement: East-Central Alberta Between the Wars." Prairie Forum 20, 2 (Fall 1995): 149-74. [immigration; violence against women; rural; criminal justice]

Swyripa, Frances. Wedded to the Cause: Ukrainian-Canadian Women and Ethnic Identity, 1891-1991. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. [immigration and ethnicity; Alberta; social conditions; cultural perceptions]

Tallentire, Jenea. "‘The Ordinary Needs of Life': Strategies of Survival for Single Women in 1901 Victoria." BC Studies 159 (Autumn 2008): 45-80. [British Columbia; employment; social conditions; immigration]

Taylor, Georgina M. "Gladys Strum: Farm Woman, Teacher and Politician." Canadian Woman's Studies 7, 4 (1986): 89-93. [biography; Saskatchewan; women in politics; Co-operative Commonwealth Federation]

Taylor, Georgina M. "Grace Fletcher, Women's Rights, Temperance, and British ‘Fair Play' in Saskatoon, 1885-1907." Saskatchewan History 46, 1 (1994): 3-21. [social reform; Women's Christian Temperance Union; feminism; Methodism; Saskatchewan]

Taylor, Georgina M. "‘Should I Drown Myself Now or Later?' The Isolation of Rural Women in Saskatchewan and their Participation in the Homemakers' Clubs, the Farm Movement and the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation." In Women: Isolation and Bonding; The Ecology of Gender, ed. Kathleen Storie: 79-100. Toronto: Methuen, 1987. [farm work; social conditions; clubs and societies; women in politics; political activism]

Taylor, Georgina M.. "‘The Women…Shall Help to Lead the Way': Saskatchewan CCF-NDP Women Candidates in Provincial and Federal Elections, 1934-1965." In "Building the Co-operative Commonwealth": Essays on the Democratic Socialist Tradition in Canada, ed. J. William Drennan: 141-60. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1984. [Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation; New Democratic Party; life histories; oral history; women in politics]

Taylor, Georgina M. “McNaughton, Violet Clara (1879– 1968).”

Taylor, Georgina M. ""Ground for Common Action": Violet McNaughton's Agrarian Feminism and the Origins of the Farm Women's Movement in Canada." Order No. NQ26870, Carleton University (Canada), 1997.

Taylor, Linda. "Manitoba Women Led in Equality Fight." Winnipeg Free Press (MB), March 06, 2014. A14

Thieme, Katja. 2007. "Language and Social Change: The Canadian Movement for Women's Suffrage, 1880-1918." Order No. NR31938, The University of British Columbia (Canada).

Thompson, Dean V. "The Shirley Keyes Thompson Memoirs: ‘A Prairie Wife's Tale.'" Saskatchewan History 44,1 (February 1992): 17-30. [diaries and letters; rural; farm life]

Thompson, Gerald E. "‘A Baby Show Means Work in the Hardest Sense': The Better Baby Contests of the Vancouver and New Westminster Local Councils of Women, 1913-1929." BC Studies 128 (Winter 2000/2001): 5-36. [Eugenics; race and racism; childbirth; children]

Thompson, Gerald E. "‘Through No Fault of Their Own': Josephine Dauphinee and the ‘Subnormal' Pupils of the Vancouver School System, 1911-1941." Historical Studies in Education, 18,1 (2006): 51-73. [biography; eugenics; education; British Columbia]

Thorn, Brian. "‘Healthy Activity and Worthwhile Ideas': Left- and Right-Wing Women Confront Juvenile Delinquency in Post-World-War-II Canada." Histoire Sociale/Social History 42, 84 (2009): 327-59. [moral panics; Social Credit; Co-operative Commonwealth Federation; Communist Party]

Thrift, Gayle. "‘This is Our War, Too': Mary Dover, Commandant of the Canadian Women's Army Corps." Alberta History 59,3 (Summer 2011): 2-12.

Thrift, Gayle. "‘Women of Prayer are Women of Power': Woman's Missionary Societies in Alberta, 1918-1939." Alberta History 47,2 (April 1999): 10-17. [missionaries; assimilation; immigration and ethnicity; clubs and societies]

Tipliski, Veryl Margaret. "Parting at the Crossroads: The Emergence of Education for Psychiatric Nursing in Three Canadian Provinces, 1909-1955." Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 21, 2 (2004): 253-79. [Manitoba; Saskatchewan; health care; mental health]

Tippett, Maria. "‘A Paste Solitare in a Steel Claw Setting': Emily Carr and Her Public." BC Studies 20 (Winter 1973-74): 3-14. [art; artists; culture; Victoria; British Columbia]

Titley, Brian. "Industrious, but Formal and Mechanical: The Sisters of Charity of Providence in Residential School Classrooms." Historical Studies in Education 22, 2 (Fall 2010): 58-74. [Alberta; First Nations; education; religious orders; Roman Catholicism]

Trimble, Linda. "A Few Good Women: Female Legislators in Alberta, 1972-1991." In Standing on New Ground: Women in Alberta, eds. Catherine A. Cavanaugh and Randi R. Warne: 87-114. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1993. [women in politics; feminism; anti-feminism]

Tunstall, Lee, and Sarah E. Eaton. "Women's Rights: An Overview." Canadian Points Of View: Women's Rights (January 2014): 1.

Turnbull, Elsie G. "Women at Cominco During the Second World War." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 429-34. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [employment; British Columbia; World War Two]

Van Dieren, Karen. "The Response of the WMS to the Immigration of Asian Women, 1888-1942." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 79-95. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [missionaries; British Columbia; race and racism; prostitution]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "Colonized Lives: The Native Wives and Daughters of Five Founding Families of Victoria." In In the Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women's History in Canada, eds. Mary-Ellen Kelm and Lorna Townsend: 170-199. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. [fur trade; British Columbia; Hudson's Bay Company; colonialism; life histories]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "From ‘Marrying-In' to ‘Marrying-Out': Changing Patterns of Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal Marriage in Colonial Canada." Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies 23, 3 (2002): 1-11. [fur trade; colonialism; First Nations; cultural perceptions; race and racism]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. ‘Many Tender Ties': Women in Fur Trade Society in Western Canada, 1670-1870. Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 1980. [Hudson's Bay Company; marriage; families; First Nations; social conditions]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "'The Reputation of a Lady': Sarah Ballenden and the Foss-Pelly Scandal." Manitoba History 11 (March 1986): 4-12. [Red River; race and racism; Manitoba; Hudson's Bay Company; fur trade; marriage]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "The Role of Native Women in the Fur Trade Society of Western Canada, 1670-1830." Frontiers 7, 3 (1984): 9-13. [fur trade; family history; marriages; First Nations; Aboriginal]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "Tracing the Fortunes of Five Founding Families of Victoria." BC Studies 115/116 (Autumn/Winter 1997/98): 149-80. [British Columbia; Vancouver Island; Hudson's Bay Company; aboriginal; First Nations; colonialism; family history; biography]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "A Transborder Family in the Pacific North West: Reflecting on Race and Gender in Women's History." In One Step Over the Line: Toward a History of Women in the North American Wests, eds. Elizabeth Jameson and Shiela McManus:81-93. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2008. [borderlands; Hudson's Bay Company; Victoria; British Columbia; family history; biography]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "A Vital Presence: Women in the Cariboo Gold Rush, 1862-1875." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 21-37. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [frontier; social conditions; work; entrepreneurship; prostitution]

Van Kirk, Sylvia. "What if Mama Was an Indian?" The Cultural Ambivalence of the Alexander Ross Family." In The Developing West: Essays on Canadian History in Honour of Lewis H. Thomas, ed. John E. Foster: 123-36. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1983. [fur trade; Red River; biography; country-born]

Villy-Cormack, Barbara. Perennials and Politics: The Life Story of Hon. Irene Parlby, LL.D. Ardrossen, Alberta: Professional Printing, 1968.

Voisey, Paul. "The ‘Votes for Women' Movement." Alberta History 23,3 (July 1975): 10-23. [suffrage; political activism; Social Gospel; feminism]

von Heyking, Amy. "Red Deer Women and the Roots of Feminism." Alberta History 42, 1 (1994): 14-25. [political activism; clubs and societies; women in politics]

Vorst, Charlotte van de. Making Ends Meet: Farm Women's Work in Manitoba. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2002. [rural; farm work; household economy; social conditions]

Wade, Susan. "Helena Gutteridge: Votes for Women and Trade Unions." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 187-203. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [biography; political activism; organized labour; suffrage, British Columbia]

Wade, Susan. "Joan Kennedy and the British Columbia Women's Service Corps." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 407-28. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [biography; military service; World War Two]

Walsh, Susan. "The Peacock and the Guinea Hen: Political Profiles of Dorothy Gretchen Steeves and Grace Macinnis." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 365-80. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [biography; suffrage; feminism; Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation; political activism]

Wanhalla, Angela. "Women ‘Living across the Line': Intermarriage on the Canadian Prairies and in Southern New Zealand, 1870-1900." Ethnohistory 55, 1 (2008): 29-49. [colonialism; reserves; race and racism; marriage; First Nations]

Warburton, Rennie. "Feminism, Class Consciousness and Household Work Linkages Among Registered Nurses in Victoria." Labour/Le Travail 24 (Fall 1989): 131-45. [British Columbia; working class; health care; organized labour; nursing; Vancouver Island]

Warburton, Rennie and William K. Carroll. "Ambiguities of Political Consciousness among Registered Nurses in British Columbia." BC Studies 83 (Autumn 1989): 3-28. [nursing; strikes and lockouts; organized labour; employment]

Warne, Randi. "Nellie McClung's Social Gospel." In Changing Roles of Women within the Christian Church in Canada, eds. Elizabeth Gillan Muir and Marilyn Färdig Whiteley: 338-54. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. [biography; social reform; feminism; political activism]

Weiss, Gillian. "The Brightest Women of Our Land: Vancouver Clubwomen, 1919-1928." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K. Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 199-209. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [clubs and societies; British Columbia; identity; feminism]

Weiss, Gillian. "Women and Reform in British Columbia: Some Preliminary Suggestions." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 279-84. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [political activism; social reform; clubs and societies; social conditions]

Werner, Hans. "‘A Mild Form of Deviancy': Premarital Sex Among Early Manitoba Mennonites." Journal of Mennonite Studies 26 (2008): 143-59. [immigration and ethnicity; sexuality; moral regulation; childbirth; social conditions]

Werner, Hans and Jenifer Waito. "‘One of Our Own': Ethnicity Politics and the Medicalization of Childbirth in Manitoba." Manitoba History 58 (June 2008): 2-10. [ethnicity and immigration; midwifery; health and wellness; health care]

Whelen, Gloria. "Maria Grant, 1854-1937: The Life and Times of an Early Twentieth Century Christian." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 125-46. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [biography; British Columbia; religion; social reform]

White, Anne. "Emily Spencer Kerby: Pioneer Clubwoman, Educator, and Activist." Alberta History 46,3 (July 1998): 2-9. [biography; clubs and societies; education; Young Woman's Christian Association]

White, Anne. "The Persons Case: A Struggle for Legal Definition and Personhood." Alberta History 47,3 (1999): 3-9. [women in politics; political activism; legal rights; Murphy, Emily]

White, Bruce M. "The Woman Who Married a Beaver: Trade Patterns and Gender Roles in the Ojibwa Fur Trade." Ethnohistory 46, 1 (1999): 109-47. [culture; myth and ritual; social conditions; historiography; ethnography]

Whitehead, Margaret. "‘Let the Women Keep Silence': Women Missionary Preaching in British Columbia, 1860s - 1940s." In Changing Roles of Women within the Christian Church in Canada, eds. Elizabeth Gillan Muir and Marilyn Färdig Whiteley: 117-35. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. [missionaries; First Nations; colonialism; social conditions; Christianity]

Whitehead, Margaret. "‘A Useful Christian Woman': First Nations Women and Protestant Missionary Work in British Columbia." Atlantis 18, 1-2 (1995): 142-66. [missionaries; religion; First Nations; Tsimshian]

Whitehead, Margaret. "Women Were Made for Such Things: Women Missionaries in British Columbia, 1850s to 1940s." Atlantis 14, 1 (Fall 1988): 141-50. [religion; missionaries; colonialism; First Nations]

Whiteley, Marilyn Fardig. "‘Alle Samee Melican Lady': Imperialism and Negotiation at the Chinese Rescue Home." Resources for Feminist Research 22, 3-4 (1994): 45-50. [missionaries; Chinese; race and racism; prostitution; social reform]

Whittaker, Jo Ann. "The Search for Legitimacy: Nurses' Registration in British Columbia, 1913-1935." In Not Just Pin Money: Selected Essays on the History of Women's Work in British Columbia, eds. Barbara K.Latham and Roberta J. Pazdro: 315-26. Victoria: Camosun College, 1984. [nursing; employment; health care; organized labour]

Wickwire, Wendy. "Women in Ethnography: The Research of James A. Teit." Ethnohistory 40,4 (1993): 539-62. [anthropology; Nlaka'pamux; biography]

Williams, Carol. Framing the West: Race, Gender and the Photographic Frontier in the Pacific Northwest. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. [First Nations; British Columbia; Northwest Coast; photography; colonialism]

Williams, Carol. "‘She Was the Means of Leading Into the Light': Photographic Portraits of Tsimshian Methodist Converts." In In the Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women's History, eds. Mary-Ellen Kelm and Lorna Townsend: 117-45. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006. [First Nations; colonialism; missionaries; British Columbia; religion]

Williams, Patricia. "History in the Community, Celebrating Herstory: 25 Years of Women's History in the Community." Saskatchewan History 50, 2 (1998): 28-30. [Saskatoon; clubs and societies; historiography]

Wilson, J. Donald. "Lottie Bowron and Rural Women Teachers in British Columbia, 1928-1934." In British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women, eds. Gillian Creese and Veronica Strong-Boag: 340-63. Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1992. [education; employment; social conditions; biography; teaching]

Wilson, L.J. "Educational Role of the United Farm Women of Alberta." Alberta History 25,2 (April 1977): 28-36. [rural; education; agriculture; clubs and societies]

Wilton, Shauna. "Manitoba Women Nurturing the Nation: The Manitoba IODE and Maternal Nationalism, 1913-1920." Journal of Canadian Studies 35, 2 (2000): 149-66. [Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire; immigration; societies and clubs; imperialism]

Woloschuk, Tanya. "A Promise of Redemption: The Soeurs du Bon Pasteur and Delinquent Girls in Winnipeg, 1911-1948." Manitoba History 51 (2006): 16-19. [religion; Catholicism; francophone; moral regulation]

Woodcock, George. "The Wild Woman: Notes on West Coast Writing." BC Studies 73 (spring 1987): 3-13. [literature; British Columbia; Webb, Phyllis; Tsonoqua; Salish; Kwakwaka'wakw]

Woon, Yuen-Fong. "Between South China and British Columbia: Life Trajectories of Chinese Women." BC Studies 156 (Winter 207/2008): 83-107. [immigration; ethnicity; literature; marriage; race and racism]

Woywitka, Anne B. "Homesteader's Woman." Alberta History 24,2 (April 1976): 20-24. [immigration and ethnicity; rural; frontier life; life history]

Woywitka, Anne B. "A Pioneer Woman in the Labour Movement." Alberta History 26,1 (January 1978): 10-16. [working class; organized labour; immigration and ethnicity; strikes and lockouts]

Wozney, Christine. "Postscript: Huntresses." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 285-86. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [First Nations; British Columbia; hunting]

Wright, Mary C. "The Woman's Lodge: Constructing Gender on the Nineteenth-Century Northwest Plateau." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 24, 1 (2003): 1-18. [First Nations; myth and ritual; oral history]

Yarmie, Andrew. "‘I Had Always Wanted to Farm': The Quest for Independence by English Female Emigrants at the Princess Patricia Ranch, Vernon, British Columbia, 1912-1920." British Journal of Canadian Studies 16, 1 (2003): 102-25. [Okanagan; economic roles; work; immigration and ethnicity; ranching]

Yee, May. "Chinese Canadian Women: Our Common Struggle." Canadian Ethnic Studies 19,3 (1987): 174-84. [oral history; life histories; immigration; race and racism]

Young, Nancy. "The Reins in Their Hands: Ranchwomen and the Horse in Southern Alberta, 1880-1914." Alberta History 52, 1 (2004): 2-8. [ranching; work; rural; life history]

Zacharias, Alexandra. "British Columbia Women's Institute in the Early Years: Time to Remember." In In Her Own Right: Selected Essays on Women's History in B.C., eds. Barbara Latham and Cathy Kess: 55-78. Victoria: Camosun College, 1980. [clubs and societies; rural; household economy; World War One]

Zaman, Habiba and Gina Tubajon. "‘Globalization From Below': Feminization of Migration, Resistance and Empowerment – A Case Study." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 22 (2001): 1109-29. [immigration and ethnicity; Philippine; employment; organized labour; political activism; Vancouver]

Zelmanovits, Judith Bender. "Baby Rats and Canada's Food Rules: Nurses as Educators in Northern Communities." In Caregiving on the Perihpery: Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada, ed. Myra Rutherdale: 309-45. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010. [health care; nursing; government policy; health and wellness]

Zelmanovits, Judith Bender. "‘Midwife Preferred': Maternity Care in Outpost Nursing Stations in Northern Canada, 1945-1988." In Women, Health and Nation: Canada and the United States Since 1945, ed. Georgina Feldbreg: 161-88. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2003. [health care; health and wellness; nursing; childbirth; midwifery]

Zembrzycki, Stacey. "‘There Were Always Men in Our House': Gender and the Childhood Memories of Working-Class Ukrainians in Depression-Era Canada." Labour/Le Travailleur 60 (2007): 77-106. [Oral Histories; Winnipeg; Great Depression; immigration and ethnicity; working class]

No author, "Ella Hartt: Pioneer Photographer." Alberta History 27,1 (January 1979): 17-24. [arts and culture; photography]

No author: "The First Mission of the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus in the North-West Territories, 1883." Saskatchewan History 36,2 (June 1983): 70-77. [missionaries; education; immigration and ethnicity; First Nations; diaries and letters]


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